[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

How do I pass along some parameters to script when setting up an action?

In normal code this works fine, but through the UI I’m getting this error:
extra keys not allowed @ data['data']

- service: script.sonos_say
    where: living_room
    volume: 0.5
    message: 'Warning, intruder alert!.. Warning, intruder alert!'

In the ui try removing the data:

I had the same error recently. In the ui if you view it in yaml mode you might see the data: doubled up.

Tried that but still get an error

Really great project! Seems like everything work so far except the Lovelace card, for me it always displays the same message:

Custom element doesn't exist: alarmo-card.
type: 'custom:alarmo-card'
entity: alarm_control_panel.alarmo

So I check if it’s added to my lovelace, unfortunately it was not added, so I added it manually:


As JavaScript Module…

But unfortunately it’s still not working, does anyone have an idea what I’m doing wrong?
Thanks in advance!

Maybe a stupid question but have you done all the installation steps?

  1. Install files
  • Using HACS:
    In the HACS panel, go to integrations and click the big orange ‘+’ button. Search for ‘Alarmo’ and click 'Install this repository in HACS’.
  • Manually:
    Download the latest release as a zip file and extract it into the custom_components folder in your HA installation.
  1. Restart HA to load the integration into HA.
  2. Go to Configuration → Integrations and click the big orange ‘+’ button. Look for Alarmo and click to add it.
  3. The Alarmo integration is ready for use. You can find the configuration panel in the menu on the left.

Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I followed all instructions and I can use Alarmo completely with the native HA Alarm card. But I not able to use the Alarmo custom card.

I heard that HACS sometimes is bitchy so you have to reinstall a custom component.

After hearing so many users struggling with getting the Alarmo-card to work, I am considering to turn it into a custom card for Lovelace which should be installed/updated separately from the integration+management panel, either using HACS or manually.

I assume it will solve all problems, since this is the usual way of installing custom cards (I also manage another project involving a custom card and never hear this kind of issue).

I would appreciate if everyone could share his/her experience:

Having trouble with Alarmo-card?
  • Works fine for me, keep it as it is.
  • It works fine for me, but I would prefer to install it as a separate custom card.
  • I (used to) have trouble getting it to work (“card not found” error).
  • I don’t use it.

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Thanks :+1:

After some testing, it seems like I had to clear companions app data & cache. If I logged in using the Browser everything worked fine, as soon I used the app, I had the issue described above.
After clearing data & cache of the app the issue disappeared.

Wow, but good to know! I would not have thought that the app behaves like a browser.

Great work on this!!
Have a quick question though. How do i get a media player to play an alarm when alarmo is triggered and stop playing when disarmed? Ive made ascript that will fire an alarm mp3 on my google home speakers, but im unsure on how to stop the mp3 when i click disarm.

It would be great to add something like this to the actions. Say a single chirp for armed, double chirp for disarmed and a police siren or whatever for triggered

I use a script attached to an input boolean. Plays media when switched on, stops the media player when switched off.

Very nice component, thanks for putting it out. Works very well,

Just a quick query, noticed actionable notifications have been updated in home assistant. Are there plans to update the component for this update? Does it matter?

Nice one. So simple I should have thought about it a bit more👍

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I think this is the key. While the documentation is clear that this needs to be done, things mostly worked if I didn’t.

I found sometimes I got the card error, but refreshing would make it go away. I cleared cache and everything with another hacs install I did and since then I haven’t seen that issue come back.

If you think it would work better as a custom front end then I’m all for it. If it’s going to be exactly the same, then I like it the way it is.

Come to think about it, it was an automation triggered be the input Boolean changes state. But you get the idea.

I’m in the process of extending the notification section.
The changes in HA will be covered as well.
It might take a bit before I can release it, but as far as I can see there are no breaking changes, so all should remain functional.

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Cool thanks :+1:

It works after clearing app data not just cache on Android. I would rather see a update to the app that allows for a Lovelace cache clearing. Going forward other add-ons could do the same and include the card with the integration, I think it’s a much cleaner way, we just need a way in the app to clear cache

I just created a seperate area/entity for my fire alarm, what’s weird is the alarm_control_panel.fire_alarm is displaying as “part of following automations” for all the automations which use alarm_control_panel.security_alarm. I have made sure that there’s nothing referring to all entities with alarm_control_panel in the automations, only the security alarm. Any idea why this is happening?

Also noticed now that the same happens with alarm_control_panel.master