[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

Unfortunately this doesn’t work - I get the following message:
extra keys not allowed @ data[‘data’]

Not working I’m afraid. I get this message:

extra keys not allowed @ data[‘data’]

It just seams crazy that the the option to send a message is there, but there isn’t a way to easily change the volume.

Just a little tip:

I’m using actions to send messages to a Telegram channel to notify me and my wife of state changes of Alarmo.
Whenever I armed Alarmo it wrote (in Dutch):

Het alarm is ingeschakeld op Armed away. Genegeerde sensoren:

Even though no sensors were bypassed, the empty “Bypassed sensors:” part was always there.

I changed it using this code:

service: notify.telegramalarmo
  message: >-
    {% if state_attr('alarm_control_panel.alarmo', 'bypassed_sensors') == none %} 
      Het alarm is ingeschakeld op {{arm_mode}}. 
    {% else %} 
      Het alarm is ingeschakeld op {{arm_mode}}. Genegeerde sensoren: {{bypassed_sensors}} 
    {% endif %}
  title: ""
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I can not use the alarmocard.

I always get

" Invalid configuration provided for entity error.
type: custom:alarmo-card"

And the select for the entity is not displaying, just for a very tiny moment after loading.

Any ideas?

Please create a bug report and share what you are seeing.
Also add the HA version you’re using.
I’d be happy to help fixing this issue.

Added a bug report.

Hi, I have a question: is there a possibility to use the wildcard information {{changed_by}} to create a sensor or an attribute to be used in Home Assistant to find out who activated/deactivated the alarm?
For example, I would need it to see in a Card who performed the last operation with Alarmo.



{{ state_attr('alarm_control_panel.alarmo', 'changed_by') }}

what you’re looking for?

“Changed by” is an attribute of your Alarmo entity (alarm_control_panel.alarmo in my case).

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Yeah, because it should be ’ and not ´…
This should work:

{{ state_attr('alarm_control_panel.alarmo', 'changed_by') }}
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Thanks, I noticed it and immediately deleted the message.
Everything works perfectly, thanks for your help!

I update to the 2022 12 5 HA and the last alarmo
But now when my alarm is On the button is green. Before the update it whas Red (or orange)
I don’t know why an if it’s possible to reset the “old” color"
And when i desarmed it’s green …
Capture d’écran 2022-12-14 191847

This change has nothing to do with Alarmo, this is a card build-in in HA.
If you like the looks better you can consider switching to alarmo-card.

I have a konnected pro panel that is powered by alarmo. When I set the alarm to armed away with an exit delay, the alarm changes from arming to disarmed when a door sensor is triggered while leaving. The alarm functions normally when setting the alarm to armed home. The issue only happens when the alarm is arming. I had an automation setup for a door chime when doors are opened as well as a buzzer sound during the entry and exit delay. I disabled these automations and still have the same issue. When I initially configured konnected/alarmo, everything was working correctly. When I add the door chime/delay buzzer automations, it seems to cause issues. But the issues remain even after removing the automations. Any guesses as to what I’m doing wrong?

Could you please open a bug report on GitHub and share some more details (like screenshots of your away mode setting and the door sensor)?
I would like to help you with this.

I posted a bug report to github. Let me know if I can provide any other information. Thanks

I’ve just installed Alarmo and this is an incredible piece of software, thank you to the developer !
Sorry if my question sounds stupid, but I thought that the purpose of the “exit delay” was to allow to have some time to get out of the house and not trigger (typically) the door sensor (and also let the home motion sensors to get “cleared”).
In reality, as soon as I arm Alarmo in the house (I am doing it with a Fibaro button), I cannot open the door to get out because Alarmo sends me a sensor failure (which is normal, because the door is open !).
Is this behaviour “by design”, which means that the alarm can only be armed when completely out of the house, or is it a bug ? If it is normal, then what is the purpose of the “exit delay” ?
With the same idea in mind, if the exit delay could be a way to provide time to get out of the house, it would be nice to extend the exit delay should to > 180 seconds, typically more than 240 seconds, because many motion sensors - such the Aeotec MultiSensors I use inside my house - have a “clear” response time of 240 seconds.
Thanks for your thoughts and sorry for my question if it is stupid !

It sounds to me like the door sensor is not detected/configured as such.
In the ‘sensors’ tab, click on this sensor to review its settings.
It should have its type set to ‘door’.
In the advanced section, the exit delay setting should be enabled.

For setting longer exit delay, you can click on the ‘xxx sec’ next to the slider to change the unit to minutes.
Note that for motion sensors there is a setting to allow arming while they are still active (initial state is ignored, only subsequent activation triggers the alarm).
I recommend using this, rather than setting a long exit delay.

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Hi neliss,
Thanks a lot for your answer, which solved my problem !
In fact, I completely missed the “Advanced settings” section on each sensor, which allows to configure the use of the exit delay, typically on doors. Also, you are right, motion sensors can also be configured to not trigger the alarm with the initial state, so my exit delay with my Aeotec MultiSensor issue is also solved !
Note that I tried to change the exit delay from secondes to minutes (by clicking the xxx seconds), but it is not possible to put more than 3 minutes. Anyway, this delay is not important anymore, thanks to the configuration of the motion sensor explained above.
Exceptional plugin indeed ! and thanks a lot for your help !

Is there a way I can trigger Alarmo externally to its config? E.g. another event which I can automate in HA which I can then call a service to trigger the alarm?

All good… I wanted to have a situation where one door was only monitored in Night Mode if certain people were home. I.e. if I am home, ignore the state of my bedroom external door in Night Mode, but if I am not home and it is opened, trigger Alarmo.
I worked around it by creating a virtual binary sensor which only reflects the physical sensor if we are not home:

        unique_id: 2452716747689
        friendly_name: 'Bedroom 1 Exclusion Sensor'
        device_class: door
        value_template: >
          {%- if is_state('person.hubby', 'home')
              or is_state('person.wifey', 'home') %}
          {%- else -%}
            {{ states( 'binary_sensor.bedroom_1_door') }}
          {%- endif -%}

I have then added that sensor to Alarmo in Night Mode. Seems to do the job.