Custom Component: (Australia) OpenNEM

ok what is this wanting when I add the integration?

I edit the list of states and put in NSW but I end up with 1 sensor. What should this look like?

OH NVM they are all attributes now.

Thank you for taking the time to update the integration.

Sorry for the noob question, how do I get to the configuration popup? I can’t seem to find anywhere when I can access a configuration area for the integration.

Thank you

This link should help you

Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up a new integration.

Thank you. I managed to get it working. Hadn’t realised it also needed to be added in the main integrations page.

A couple of questions

  • What’s the difference between au and nem areas?
  • When I use area nem I can see the one variable with all the different attributes, however when I use multiple areas, I still get the one variable, but now the attributes are gone. Have I missed anything? I’m attaching a screenshot.

Thank you

NEM only includes the States that participate in the national energy market - AU includes WA

It only supports one variable - you can create multiple sensors to monitor multiple regions

I’ve posted a beta version this morning (should come up in HACS if you click the show beta versions button) - it contains another breaking change (sorry) where you’ll have to recreate the sensors you want to track - I’ve made the region selection a bit easier (its now a dropdown menu)

I’ve also added the Emission Factors and Energy flow between regions were its available in a region

I’ve let it run in my dev environment for 12 hours and i’ll run it for another 24 in my prod environment before releasing it properly.

Cool. Thanks mate. I have the stable version working now.
Dealing with attributes rather than entities is a bit painful, but finally I can see all the regions now :slight_smile:

Thanks for the efforts.

I am sure i am doing something silly … i have just updated the custom component, removed the old YAML configuration, but I cant find the new integration to add. It does not appear in the list.

So you installed the new component via HACS and restarted HA? If you did that you should be able to add the integration. If it’s not there to add are there any errors in the home assistant log?

Correct, that’s exactly what’s going on.
I had it installed and working previously.

I couldn’t find anything logged, but I’ll dig some more.

And without doing anything, its now magically there!

Has anyone come up with a nice easy way to display this in lovelace ?

Is it me or the new version of HACS broke the component?

The API (and OpenNEM Website) seemed to have stopped updating at 3:30PM on Friday

Que? I seem to still be getting valid data…

All working fine now. Must have been a temporary thing with the server.
Thank you :slight_smile:


Does anybody have their openNEM component still working? Mine stopped working some months back, and wanted to check if it is working for others before troubleshooting.


Yes working but some log errors and slow setting up.

Thank you David.

I havent had much of a chance to do anything with the integration - not sure when I’ll get time again for a little while either.

If anyone is interested in having a go at fixing some of the issues, happy to approve PRs on Github

Hey there , thanks for this integration , i was just wondering if there’s any way of changing MW for MWh , I’m trying to track my daily energy consumption and show the cost on my dashboard at the end of the day , but the sensor I use ( Shelly EM ) has either kWh or MWh , not MW .
So when I set up the entity price of openNem to be tracked in the energy panel in HA I get an error.

See the photo attached

Anyone knows how to achieve what I’m looking for ?

Thanks heaps

Wh (or kWh) is a unit of energy, that is power used over time.
W is the instantaneous power value.

Thus you would need to calculate the price at the time you consumed the power. I am not sure how to do that at this stage.