I’m coding a custom component for practice. The idea is to take pictures with raspi camera based on some trigger.
But I’m having difficulties understanding what is the fundamental difference by listening to an event and registering a service and using that. Which one I should use?
I don’t want to use the built in component as it keeps the camera on all the time. And some months back when I was using it the feed crashed after couple days and photos were just black.
Below what I have came up with so far:
from picamera import PiCamera
from time import sleep
import logging
DOMAIN = 'juha_camera'
REQUIREMENTS = ['picamera']
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def setup(hass, config):
hass.states.set('juha_camera.picture_count', 'No pictures')
pictureCount = 0 # Pictures taken since boot
camera = PiCamera()
# Take a photo upon receiving event
def take_photo(event):
pictureCount += 1
hass.states.set('juha_camera.picture_count', pictureCount)
_LOGGER.error("Cannot write file for some reason")
# Listen the event bus
hass.bus.listen('juha_camera_take_photo', take_photo)
return True