[Custom component] Bird Buddy smart bird feeder

For OFF_GRID, the origin of the phrase is “off the grid”, which traditionally applies to someone who is living off of the electrical power grid - like roughing it in a cabin with no power. But more recently and in this case it is likely referring more to “I’m intentionally not reporting, because I don’t want people to know where I am.” For example the Foursquare/Swarm app has (or used to have) an “off grid” checkbox you could toggle for a check-in, and it would stay private, so your friends couldn’t see it.
Google translate says bortkopplad is “disconnected”, which I agree is probably a good approximation. Just want to be sure it doesn’t accidentally imply that it’s an unexpected disconnect? We have OFFLINE for the accidentally disconnected state (lost wifi for example). Off grid is intentionally paused from creating postcards.

How does the BB app translate those? I can probably just take all of their translations, including for English, assuming it is translated at all.

The BB app uses “Ready for birds” for the ready state. In this case I did use “Ready” for the English string here.

The machine constants for these are generally going to sound mechanical, and I was aiming to keep them brief so that it doesn’t get ellipsized in a small space (“Ready for …” would be unhelpful).

I actually don’t know when the state would be “online”, because I’ve always only seen it in one of the other states. The non-owner account doesn’t get states like “out of feeder” or “off grid”, so in those cases it is just “offline”. This is for a guest member (up to 3) you’ve invited to view your feeder, or in an apparently upcoming feature they’re adding a fully public feeder.

I think I found a solution/workaround for the auto refresh issue. I stole it here

You define an additinal birdbuddy camera like this

  - platform: local_file
    name: birdbuddy
    file_path: /config/www/birdbuddy/last_postcard.jpg

The dashboard looks no like this:

type: grid
columns: 2
title: Bird Buddy
square: false
  - type: vertical-stack
      - show_state: false
        show_name: false
        camera_view: auto
        type: picture-entity
        entity: camera.birdbuddy
        aspect_ratio: 4x5
          action: none
          action: none
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.annikas_bird_buddy_state
        icon_color: grey
        secondary: |
          {{ states(entity)
              | replace('READY_TO_STREAM','Warte auf nächsten Besucher.')
              | replace('OFF_GRID','Bin nicht online.')
              | replace('_',' ')
          action: more-info
          style: |
            ha-card {
              box-shadow: 0px 0px;
              background: none;
  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.annikas_bird_buddy_battery
        icon: >-
          {% set s = states('sensor.annikas_bird_buddy_battery') %}
          mdi:battery{{"-" + (((s|int/10) |round(0)) * 10) | string if ((s|int)
          < 90) and ((s|int) > 5)}}
        primary: Batterie
        icon_color: >-
          {{'grey' if states('sensor.annikas_bird_buddy_battery')|int > 30 else
          'red' }}
        secondary: '{{ (states(entity)) }}%'
          action: more-info
          style: |
            ha-card {
              box-shadow: 0px 0px;
              background: none;
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: binary_sensor.annikas_bird_buddy_charging
        icon: mdi:power-plug{{'-off' if states(entity) == 'off'}}
        icon_color: '{{''grey'' if states(entity) == ''off'' else ''green'' }}'
        primary: |
          {{ states(entity) 
              | replace('off','Lädt nicht')
              | replace('on','Lädt via Solar')
          action: more-info
          style: |
            ha-card {
              box-shadow: 0px 0px;
              background: none;
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        entity: sensor.annikas_bird_buddy_signal
        icon: mdi:wifi
        primary: WLAN
        icon_color: grey
        secondary: |
          {{ states(entity) 
          }} dBm
          action: more-info
          style: |
            ha-card {
              box-shadow: 0px 0px;
              background: none;
      - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
        entity: switch.annikas_bird_buddy_off_grid
        name: Off Grid
        icon_color: red
          action: more-info

1 Like

Oh! Great idea!! I’ll borrow that as well! :slight_smile: Thank you!

Elegant :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing!

I added a “save last snapshot” action to my “BB snapshot automation”… Just to save all of the snaps somewhere, I was thinking maybe I could make a “collage” later on somewhere from the pictures this Day or Month or even Year… :slight_smile:

Anyway, here is the “Action”:

service: downloader.download_file
  url: "{{ trigger.event.data.sighting.medias[0].contentUrl }}"
  subdir: BB-Snapshots
  filename: >-
    {{ (as_timestamp(now())-(0)) | timestamp_custom('BB-Snapshot - %Y-%m-%d -
    %H-%M-%S.jpg') }}
  overwrite: true
enabled: true

Creates file named like this: “BB-Snapshot - 2023-01-07 - 15-25-05.jpg” = BB-Snapshot - Year-Month-Day - Hour-Minute-Second.jpg
Saves in the “BB-Snapshots” folder… :slight_smile:

1 Like

So, I was able to add a new “Recent Visitor” entity, setting the state=bird species, and entity_picture=image url. When displaying the entity, it seems to be working correctly, and I see the image as the thumbnail of the entity, and the bird species as the state.

However, adding that to the picture-entity card, does not seem to extract the entity_picture attribute as I would expect. The only ways to get an image in the card are:

  • image: $url points to a static URL (template not supported)
  • entity: camera.* point to a camera entity to show the camera still
  • camera_image: camera.* to show one entity in the card’s footer, but pull the camera still from another entity

It does not seem possible to pull the image directly from the entity’s entity_picture attribute (which is documented here).

So I get these 2 options built-in:
Screenshot 2023-01-07 at 11.58.52 AM
Screenshot 2023-01-07 at 11.58.57 AM

But the only way I was able to get the image to appear as a large picture was using the Markdown card:

type: markdown
content: >-
  ![]({{ states.sensor.my_bird_buddy_recent_visitor.attributes.entity_picture }})
  {{ states.sensor.my_bird_buddy_recent_visitor.state}}
title: Recent Visitor

But I’m hoping to make it look like this: Picture Entity Card - Home Assistant but instead all I get is:
Screenshot 2023-01-07 at 12.00.40 PM
I would want this ^ L&F, but with the entity_picture as the image.

So, for now I’m kind of at a standstill. I may still push this sensor with the picture_entity anyway, because if you just want a thumbnail it works fine. But it’s not totally ready to get the results I think we want.

Great work! Push it and we can play around anyway. :slight_smile:
Do I have to had opened and identified (if not AI identified) the bird on the postcard to get anything i the “recent visitor”? What happens if the AI could not identify the bird?

The current iteration will start out with the most recent visitor from your collections (already opened postcards). From there, for each new incoming postcard, the AI-recognized bird species will be shown, along with the postcard’s cover image; if it was not recognized it just displays the sighting type for now (no bird, cannot decide, etc), along with the postcard cover image. It will not auto-collect the postcard, and the postcard does not have to be finished in order to display.

Before I release it I will come up with another way to describe the unrecognized visitors (might just say “mystery” or “unknown”), and I’ll need to work on a way to make sure the collection is up to date first. And right now it’s just using the BB image URL, which has an expiration time, so probably need to actually download the image for it to be usable long term. If I can get it to use a media URI that might be best because then I can link to just the image id, and fetch the latest URL as needed.

Ok, sounds reasonable.
I have not yet tried this: Media Source - Home Assistant
But maybe you can use it some how?

Wow, you guys have made a lot of progress quickly.

I tried to follow along as best I could and I think what’s missing is I need to wait for another postcard to get something. Can somebody fact check me here?

I can definitely see the bird buddy pictures in the media browser:
2023-01-08 18_01_22-Greenshot

my automation:

alias: Bird Buddy - Postcard
description: Bird Buddy is sending a postcard.
  - platform: device
    device_id: XXXXXX
    domain: birdbuddy
    type: new_postcard
    feeder_id: XXXXXX
  - platform: event
    event_type: birdbuddy_new_postcard_sighting
condition: []
  - service: downloader.download_file
      url: "{{ trigger.event.data.sighting.medias[0].contentUrl }}"
      subdir: birdbuddy
      filename: last_postcard.jpg
      overwrite: true
  - service: birdbuddy.collect_postcard
      strategy: best_guess
      postcard: "{{ trigger.event.data.postcard }}"
      sighting: "{{ trigger.event.data.sighting }}"
mode: single

my card:

type: picture
image: http://MYURL:8123/local/birdbuddy/last_postcard.jpg
  action: none
  action: none
alt_text: Front Bird Feeder

This is the result:

I think this is because the automation hasn’t ran?

@Snille yeah, that’s already implemented - that’s how it appears in the Media Browser. But using a media-source:// URI does not appear to work in the picture-entity card (i.e., image: media-source://birdbuddy/...).

@Sergeantpup yes, basically the image points to a linked file that doesn’t exist yet. It’ll download the file the next time the automation runs. But fyi, you don’t need both triggers; just one or the other is sufficient. Right now you have a device trigger, as well as the event trigger. The device trigger is just an easier way to add the event trigger (and it’ll also filter to the matching feeder id automatically, which is only relevant if you have more than one feeder)

I thought so from the back and forth. Device trigger is preferable anyway. Thanks!

Look at my bird


It seems that the wizard for configuring the add-on doesnt work with the latest version today.
I am receiving the following error:

"Please wait, starting configuration wizard for Bird Buddy"

followed by:

Config flow could not be loaded: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style>body{font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:12px;text-align:center}h1{color:#06C;font-size:25px;line-height:60px;margin-top:56px}img{margin-top:40px} </style> </head> <body> <img src=" gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgL/2wBDAQEBAQEBAQICAgICAgICAgICAgIC AgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgL/wAARCAAzAMgDAREA AhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAgIDAAMBAQAAAAAACwMC/8QARBAAAAYCAAUCBQIDAwYP AAAAAQIDBAUGBwgACRESExQhChUiMUEWMiNCURckYRhDUnGBkRozNDY5U2JydHZ4sbW2wf/EABgB AQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADAgQB/8QAKREBAAICAgEDAwMFAAAAAAAAAAECAxESMSETImEyUYFB caEjM2LB0f/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8Au+532JoOAIVo+tSrqRm5fzhXqpDgkpMy5mwfxl/4xipt2qYi UqrlYwEATAUgKKCBB3SlrvJnRdczzLshKujjA42pcax7xFAk1LzMq7FPr9IKLsgaJ93T79CdAH+v FfQj7szds9N5lsj61BPIWMmgxihilXkqVLrnetSCP1LkhpoO1boH8hXaZh/l6j7CnB8vIuZ5SbvV 8iViKuNOlkJmvzLf1DJ6h3FH6TCmu2c1kVAKomoUSnABDiExMSo2zjwHAHAHAHAHAH AHAY4Ch18VDl7m7as47olpNvBV69rVn7ImQ8XpYg1yxvLYcsNeiEY5WYE8hDEWJK C2dQMcR4koRGKUQWKcgWeOSEoqtyiuXYqsodVQ+qWJxOoocxzmH9Pk9zGN7j/v4Bp3AHAHAHAHAH AHAHAY4CL0RufrNP31xjaHyzWpGzNZlauLJtXPmYEn0HJGakYo/J1IT+Mokim5U7WSzhVFsi6UcL JpGBTm78tMyeyN+SkhUEINrXYiDbqmN40YkIFGRS8IG/aVVdwsqbp+45xH8B07MP9tK/ZiOsWGtW bHjCtSMFX6ffp9eFYLW15ZEmc7Yms8q2AZAsuvtIatZZZ+owtFVjH7CJiVWKqBlms8ybyqySCCiSpfCumgYoKkVIfxdyRzG1jy/d5a v2eswBLXbSqp2pTYGtTsRR7XYYcawpX14q1gys6rFwWWSdNYpyb0xXSLdAxTn+lRRES/vH6vcmsk +3zP+nse2PKbuFtkMa56WsLWirzRXdaTjlpFpOxYxTgzaTFUjZ00IJz+RMDInIcfbsN2gP7g4jal q9tRMS7LPTcfWoSXsUuuDaKgox/MSbgf8ywjWpnbpQA/IgQgiAfn7cZeobRnMAwRMrenjmmQ3CwM X8mchagYBTYxcepKSDlTq4+kqSCRzmEft06ffpxX0bs84bhjrc3CWTZaUioV/PRPyWtyNrlJS0xB YKFYQsWqki7cupBdYxSdBWJ0AQ9/f8+3GbY7xH8PYtEucT/MUwVFSarGLj71aGqJzEGYiYJs1jlu 03TyNAmnLVc5BD3AwolAwfbrxv0L/DPOEjsP5+xlnJi8c0KbO4exYJGloCTaqRc/FpuBEG6zqOX6 9yRxAQKuidVETB2+Tu9uJ2pNWomJfplfPmLMKtUFb7ZkGD94kZaOr7FFWUsckkU3YKzWIZAZQEuv 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@Sergeantpup Looking good, You already sorted it out. :slight_smile:

@madcoder Ah, of course. :slight_smile: No worries now when @rak figured out the “camera” option. :slight_smile:

@Darkentrophy I haven’t seen that before. The HTML you add contains the string:

Sorry, the page you are looking for is not found.

This seems like something in misconfigured. Are there any other logs that could be relevant?
Can you describe more of your environment and config?

  • HA version
  • HACS version
  • Version of Bird Buddy installed in HACS

You mentioned “latest version today”, but there is no new version. The latest version is still v0.0.7. If you had installed it from the main branch, that could be the issue that you’re seeing, since I did push a change to the main branch, but those changes have not been released yet. You might want to try redownloading Bird Buddy and selecting the v0.0.7 tag to install: HACS → Bird Buddy → 3-dots overflow → “Redownload” → select v0.0.7.

Edit: I realized now you might have been referring to the recent HA update, 23.1.2? I have that version installed, and I’m able to start the config flow, so I’m not sure what would cause that. I’ll see if I can track down any info about that error. One other thing that could be relevant: are you accessing the internal HA URL, or using an external URL (or nabu casa)?

@madcoder thank you for the integration :heart:

Just one question. Do you know what does this new Frequency entity represent?


No, and I don’t see it surfaced in the app either. I assumed that it has something to do with a planned feature to control the frequency of postcards, making it more or less sensitive. Until we see it in the apps, we won’t know for sure. It is a feeder setting (not a user setting), but that’s all I know.

When I do find out, I’ll update the sensor name to be more informative.

Edit: I did look into the app resources, and I see a couple strings that mention “frequency”, but nothing that sheds any light on what it actually does. I see things like “Feeder frequency changed to high”, “Long battery life, low frequency”, and “Low battery life, high frequency”. So I think this implies it has something to do with adjusting the sensitivity or threshold for the camera to start taking postcards (where high uses more battery, and low conserves battery).

1 Like

@rak and @Snille
After some testing with the new “Recent Visitor” sensor, this can be done without having to manually download the postcard picture anymore, by using the Generic Camera integration. You just need to enable (can remain hidden if you want) the Recent Visitor entity, by going to the Device Info screen. It is disabled by default.

Link to add Generic Camera:

For “Still Image URL”, use a template to select entity_picture from the Recent Visitor entity (replace the entity name to match yours):

{{ state_attr('sensor.your_bird_buddy_recent_visitor', 'entity_picture') }}

Submit this, and then it will display a preview image (depending on if the sensor has been populated already) – If the Recent Visitor entity has a picture currently, this will show the full size image. Check the box and click Submit.
The option does not appear in the initial “Add” screen, but after the camera is added successfully, you can go back into the “Configure” screen and check the box for Limit refetch to url change. That checkbox will prevent it from reloading the same image URL - instead, when a new bird comes, the sensor’s entity_picture will change and that will trigger the Generic Camera’s image to update, which will cause it to fetch the new image.

Note that unfortunately it builds the entity_id from the image URL at the time your add the integration, so that will make the entity id really complicated (i.e., camera.media_app_api_graphql_app_api_prod_aws_mybirdbuddy_com). You can rename the entity and entity_id after it’s created, if that bothers you (or you can configure it in configuration.yaml, but you will get a warning in this case, because they want to convert everything to the config_flow UI).

Once the camera is created and working, you can use the picture-entity card to display the image with the bird name under it, by specifying the new camera entity in the card:

type: picture-entity
# entity will show the "recent visitor" state, which will be the species name of the bird
entity: sensor.elm_bird_buddy_recent_visitor
# only makes sense with state=true, because it shows that^ bird species name
show_state: true
# name is up to you - by default if this is true, it will show "<Feeder Name> Recent Visitor" on the bottom/left of the image.
# if false, it will just center the bird species at the bottom.
show_name: false
# the new generic camera entity:
camera_image: camera.media_app_api_graphql_app_api_prod_aws_mybirdbuddy_com

Excuse the blurry picture, but it will look something like this (this is with show_name=true):

I started trying to make my own camera entity that “wraps” the generic camera, and that more or less works - but it feels clunky still. Maybe in a future version.

And I’ve recently fixed an issue where the entity_picture URL might expire, which will just show a black/broken image. After the next update, those URLs will automatically refresh when it expires.


I got this working, thanks!

1 Like

@Snille thanks again for the translations. I’ve added a PR for that here: Add Swedish translations [thanks @Snille] by jhansche · Pull Request #24 · jhansche/ha-birdbuddy · GitHub.

But unfortunately I don’t know how to allow you to test that easily without jumping through hoops :roll_eyes: In ESPHome there’s an easy way to do this, but in HACS even with the “show beta versions” option enabled, I only see the last 5 tagged releases, and the “main” branch, but no easy way to test a feature branch before it merges.

The only way I can think to test it now would be to manually copy that json file into your config dir: /config/custom_components/birdbuddy/translations/sv.json and restart HA. This is the first translation added, and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of dev tools for supporting it.

I can also just merge it and check it out in the next release :man_shrugging: