Custom Component: Carrier Infinity Touch control via Infinitude

I have Infinitude running on my RPi HASSIO 2022.05.3 system and the basic climate card configured as:


  • platform: infinitude
    port: 3000
    • ZONE 1

in configuration.yaml. This results in a card showing the Current Temperature on my Overview page – so everything is working.

Now I would like to access other variables like Outdoor Temparature and Current Humidity and create an Entities card showing them. To begin with, I have tried:


  • sensor:
    • name: “ZONE1_current_temperature”
      unit_of_measurement: °F
      unique_id: “ZONE1_Current_Temperature”
      “{{ state_attr(‘climate.ZONE1’, ‘current temperature’) }}”

but this results in an error in the log:

Invalid config for [template]: [value_template] is an invalid option for [template]. Check: template->sensor->0->value_template. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 73)

Help! Can anyone share with me a section of configuration.yaml that will allow me to create the entities for the items I am looking for.

Thanks in advance

Here are a couple of mine.

  - sensor:
      ## These 3 sensors track hvac details for use elsewhere
      - name: "HVAC Action"
        unique_id: hvac_action
        icon: mdi:air-conditioner
        state: >
          {{(state_attr('climate.damac', 'hvac_action') )}}

      - name: "HVAC Fan Speed"
        unique_id: hvac_fan_speed
        icon: mdi:fan
        unit_of_measurement: "cfm"
        state: >
          {{(state_attr('climate.damac', 'airflow_cfm') )}}

      - name: "HVAC Current Temp"
        unique_id: hvac_current_temp
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        unit_of_measurement: "°F"
        state: >
          {{(state_attr('climate.damac', 'current_temperature') )}}

Note: Your ZONE1 is my damac


Thank you very much – that worked.

I have successfully set up my Carrier Infinity thermostat in Home Assistant and created sensors for the values I am interested in. But three of the sensors: HVAC Mode, Setpoint Cool and Setpoint Heat report “Unknown”. Here is my configuration

  - platform: infinitude
    port: 3000
      - "ZONE 1"
  - sensor:
      - name: "Current Temperature"
        unique_id: zone1_current_temperature
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        unit_of_measurement: "°F"
        state: >
          {{(state_attr('climate.zone_1', 'current_temperature') )}}
  - sensor:          
      - name: "Current Humidity"
        unique_id: zone1_current_humidity
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        unit_of_measurement: "°F"
        state: >
          {{(state_attr('climate.zone_1', 'current_humidity') )}}

  - sensor:          
      - name: "HVAC Mode"
        unique_id: zone1_hvac_mode
        icon: mdi:air-conditioner
        state: >
          {{(state_attr('climate.zone_1', 'hvac_mode') )}}
  - sensor:          
      - name: "HVAC Action"
        unique_id: zone1_hvac_action
        icon: mdi:air-conditioner
        state: >
          {{(state_attr('climate.zone_1', 'hvac_action') )}}
  - sensor:
      - name: "Setpoint Heat"
        unique_id: zone1_setpoint_heat
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        unit_of_measurement: "°F"
        state: >
          {{(state_attr('climate.zone_1', 'setpoint_heat') )}}
  - sensor:
      - name: "Setpoint Cool"
        unique_id: zone1_setpoint_cool
        icon: mdi:thermometer
        unit_of_measurement: "°F"
        state: >
          {{(state_attr('climate.zone_1', 'setpoint_cool') )}}

What am I doing wrong?

Michael, You likely have a different thermostat from me as I don’t show ‘setpoint_heat’ ‘setpoint_cool’. Or maybe because I am currently just in cool mode.
Maybe check your States in Developer to ensure you have the correct attribute naming?

Also, I am not a yaml or HA config expert by any means but I believe in your config you can eliminate the redundant - sensor:'s. Keep the first one and just list out the different - name: as a list.

- template:
        - name:

        - name:

Sorry can’t be more help on the 3 errant sensors.

Thank you. Once again you are right. The three sensors I am looking for do not seem to be supported despite the fact that they are shown on the Infinitude server page (Homeassistant.local:3000).


I think that’s probably because the HA climate component doesn’t track the setpoints separately by mode. Think of this integration as an adaptor more than just a raw interface. What you can see is what the setpoint is for the current mode. I track this in my thermostat:

    - name: "Main Hall Target Temperature"
      unique_id: "main_hall_target_temperature"
      unit_of_measurement: "°F"
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.main_hall', 'temperature') }}"

If you are trying to run in dual mode, I recall the HA Climate entity has a low and high… (see Climate - Home Assistant).

If what you really want is just the raw variables, you can connect to the Infinitude instance directly and get the json. The path is: http://:3001/api/status

Also, I believe @damclarkd is correct, you should only have one ‘sensor’ section under your template section.

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Sorry for the late reply, if you go to the Dev Tools page, on the States tab, you can search for your climate entity (mine is carrier) and it will show you all attributes and the corresponding states.

Did you find the “dummies guide”. Crawling thru 4 years of messages is not the easy way to get started :slight_smile:

also trying to figure out how to implement this… looks like running infinitude as a portainer add-on in HA is no longer functional. How are people deploying this? or is the solution to just run the proxy somewhere else? would hate to spin up another VM just for this :expressionless: but will do it if it’s the only option. thanks so much for any help!

It still works running the proxy in portainer, that’s how I’ve been doing it for about 2 years now. You just need to use a portainer addon that works.

I use alexbelgium’s: hassio-addons/portainer at master · alexbelgium/hassio-addons · GitHub

Just an FYI, doing so will make HA say that you are running an unsupported installation, but that is still fine.

thanks for all the help, got this running and it’s quite nice!

silly question… i want to make the outside temperature available to HA… how can I do this?
this value:

It was actually just mentioned a few posts up!

awesome thank you!

anyone know what this value means?

If I had to guess, I’d say it’s your filter reminder.

Does anyone have a spare white faceplate for an Infinity Touch thermostat they would be willing to sell me? It would be the one that works on model numbers SYSTXCCITC01-A, SYSTXCCITW01-A, or SYSTXCCITN01-A.

I would’ve posted this elsewhere, but couldn’t find a group that brings together other Carrier Infinity users.

Has anyone tried to set this up recently? I’m having a lot of problems getting my thermostat to talk to the proxy server. I have one of the touchscreen controllers.

I’ve done Infinitude setups on my HA instance via Portainer, trying both host and bridge network modes, and I’ve also spun up infinitude on an ubuntu machine trying both host and bridge network modes.

I have the proxy set properly in the thermostat, and I’ve tried both http://my.ip and just the ip address alone with the correct port set.

I can see the infinitude proxy server if I navigate to the proper IP address and port in my web browser, it just never populates with the information from my thermostat.

What am I missing?

I was able to get a single thermostat working using this guide, but struggling to get multiple containers set up properly.

It’s an attribute within the climate.yourzone entity. To see this (and all other attributes), go to Developer Tools > States > and enter climate.yourzone in the Filter entities field.

To use an attribute in most HA cards, you’ll need to create a template sensor (think of it like promoting the attribute).

For the state key, something like this should work for you:


I hadn’t even bothered to set up the climate entity in HA yet since I couldn’t see the data on the web interface of infinitude, which I assumed you would be able to do based on everything I had read online previously. How long ago did you set yours up? I know there has been a recent firmware update for the thermostat and I’m wondering if it has broken something.