Custom Component CLI - Manage and update custom components

I implemented a litte command line interface to manage and automatically update custom components without the need to install the home assistant community store.

I installed my home assistant instance via docker and dont want to install the home assistant community store. Anyway, i still use a set of custom components which has to be downloaded and updated manually by copy the neccessary files to the correct folder. The CLI tool automates this process. All you have to do is to paste a github url, answer some questions and the custom component will be downloaded automatically.

Additionally, this tool stores all added components in a small json-db to automate the update process. It can automatically pull new releases of added custom components (e. g. via a cronjob).

Checkout the documentation at for more informations.

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Amusing given that HACS is a replacement for its predecessor which was a command line tool called custom_updater :slight_smile:

I am not sure what docker has to do with your reasoning. HACS works with any install method.

Does it? I also use the Synology Docker Version, and I was under the impression that this does not support Supervisor mode which seems essential to installing HACS.

Do you know an alternative way of installing it? Would love to try it :slight_smile:

HACS and installing HACS has nothing to do with supervisor and is available for every installation method. It isn’t an addon it’s a custom component

You were right, thanks for clearing it up.

You are totally right. You can install hacs in docker without any restrictions. And for the most users using hacs is probably the prefered way of managing custom components (because of the nice UI and the simple integration in home assistant).
For me, the main reason i do not use hacs is that I developed a small custom component advanced-glance-card for myself which is not listed in hacs (because i am too lazy to deal with the publishment procedure of hacs) and i needed a simple way of deploy it to my ha instance.
Another reason is that I created a pull request for banner card to improove the component, but the author seems not to maintain this project anymore (the oldest PR ist 2 years old) … With hacccli, I can just deploy my fork of this project (which has by the way to security updates).
Additionally, hacccli automatically updates my custom components without me having to do anything (which does not work with all components when using hacs). I personally prefere to always running the latest available version of home assistant and all components, because I dont want to take care of it.