Custom Component climate - Hysen Controller for 2 Pipe Fan Coil units

Hysen Controller for 2 Pipe Fan Coil Interface
Hysen HY03AC-1-Wifi device


Works with 2021.7.4

Presently a 522 error.

Sorry, I don’t get it.
What exactly error do you have?
I have 16 hysen controllers and working fine.


The Hysen web page seems to be down.

Updated to HA 0.89

Updated to 0.92.0 Integration Manifest.

Integrated the broadlink device into the hysen2pfc_device.

Hi, i am using your component but on the latest version is broken, do you have some update?

New version.

Hi Uss, glad to see you back!
i am trying now the update.

It’s working!!!

One error:

instead of this:

  • platform: hysenheating

it’s working with this:

  • platform: hysen2pfc

I’ve made the correction. Thanks.

Small bug corrected. New version 0.4.10.

I will try and let you know.

How I configure the preset?

Go in Developer Tools - SERVICES - Service: hysen2pfc: Set schedule, pick your entity and set the schedule you need. In details (your picture) you can only change the Preset Mode: Manual , 12345, 123456 or 1234567.

Hi, i think that the addon after the last update broke.

What addon?

Update to version 0.4.12 and you’ll be fine

still on version 0.4.13 is not working.

waht exactly is not working. Can you show some logs, please?