Custom Component: Cover Time Based

Correct. The code is here

:information_source: In case you’re interested, I made (yet another) fork of the project:

  • Covers can be configured via config_flow (web-ui) in Helpers section, no need to deal with YAML code.
  • Added event listening to the switches, manually turning on the switch will also update/sync the cover position in Home Assistant

Kudos @davidramosweb for the base code! :heart:

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Thanks! I have some doubts in the way to create the helpers…but I will keep trying.

Hi David, is it possible to check the set position method? For me is not working correctly. If I set position from 100 to 90 it continues till 0…

I have a cover entity and no switches.Can I use this to close and open?

Is your Sonoff RF bridge modified? I have my R2.2 bridge flashed with esphome (but no portisch firmware nor direct hacked). When I send raw command nothing happens (orange light usually flashes but not when sending raw)

  - platform: template
    name: open
    id: shade_open
        - rf_bridge.send_raw: 
           raw: 'AAB04A0314026C010E1374F0011001101010010110100101010101100101100101011010011001101001011010101010101010011010101010101010101010100110010101011010010110100255'

Is there a way to convert this raw code to “sync, low, high, code” format that the bridge usually sends?