Custom Component: Dreame Vacuum

thanks to you I am less weak now.
thank you

Hi all,

Great work on this, from what I can see it looks fantastic!

Can I request addition on L40 Ultra dreame.vacuum.r2492D

“D” varient

Thanks & keep up the good work

Hi all, due to some very unhappy issues, I had to reset my entire smart home

Now I am trying to get my Dreame D9 plus dreame.vacuum.r2322 back to Home Assistant.

I had coupled the bot to my Dreame App, but found that DreameVaccuum looks for a Xiaomi account. So I installed the app, but cannot get the D9plus into the XiHomeApp as it looks like not being supported
 just D9 or D9 pro, 
 even trying with these, I wasn’t successful.

Any idea how to get the D9 plus into the Dreame Vacuum component?

i just got the new xiaomi x20 max Xiaomi Robot Vacuum - xiaomi.vacuum.d109gl
Is it possible to requeust the addition of this vacuum? Thanks!

It is not a vacuum manufactured by Dreame.

Try installing the Beta.

I have setup my Dreame vacuum using Apple ID. So I guess that means that I don’t have a Xiaomi Miio account connected to the Dreame Vacuum that I can use with this integration? If so, what is the best way to “convert” my Apple ID-linked account to a Xiaomi account?

  • Create a new user with email
  • Share your device with that new user
  • Use that user for HA
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I’m unable to authenticate successfully on a dreame account. I’ve confirmed username and password are ok by logging out and back in on the app. I’ve even created a new user, shared the robot and still not able to authenticate. This is being done with 2.0beta16. Is it just me?

I get the error message: “Could not login to Xiaomi Miio Cloud, check the credentials.”.

First of all thank you so much Yiğit.

I asked you before if the Xiaomi Home supported JONR P20 Pro would be supported but I’ve noticed as you told me that it’s not a Dreame product.

Never mind, I use my Xiaomi X20+ with your splendid integration.

Does someone know if it’s the right way to clean twice a room, once with “wider_corner_coverage”, once without ?

alias: Nettoyer la cuisine
  # Activer la couverture des coins (haute fréquence)
  - service: select.select_option
      entity_id: select.charlie_wider_corner_coverage
      option: high_frequency

  # Attendre pour permettre au robot de recevoir et appliquer le changement
  - delay: "00:00:05"

  # Premier nettoyage avec couverture des coins activée
  - service: dreame_vacuum.vacuum_clean_segment
      entity_id: vacuum.charlie
        - 2
      suction_level: 1
      repeats: 1
      water_volume: 2

  # DĂ©sactiver la couverture des coins (off)
  - service: select.select_option
      entity_id: select.charlie_wider_corner_coverage
      option: off

  # Attendre pour garantir l'application
  - delay: "00:00:05"

  # DeuxiÚme nettoyage avec couverture des coins désactivée
  - service: dreame_vacuum.vacuum_clean_segment
      entity_id: vacuum.charlie
        - 2
      suction_level: 1
      repeats: 1
      water_volume: 2

great component, tested with a L40 Ultra (dreame.vacuum.r2492j) on the latest beta and it’s working perfectly!

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thanks but i dont know how to clean with and without mopper :

alias: Dreame - WC AspiSerpi
description: Lance un nettoyage avec les options sweeping_and_mopping
  - device_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    domain: mqtt
    type: action
    subtype: "on"
    metadata: {}
    trigger: device
conditions: []
  - data:
      segment_id: 5
      suction_level: 1
      water_volume: 1
      repeats: 1
      entity_id: vacuum.dreame
    action: dreame_vacuum.vacuum_set_custom_cleaning
mode: single

with water_volume option, it does not work
thanks for your help