Custom component: EdgeOS

What did you do to get the device_tracker active?

I also have an Edgerouter Lite 3. And I have the following options at ‘Traffic Analysis’: ‘export: enabled’, ‘dpi: enabled’ and ‘version: 1.480’.

All active as you have, but I don’t see any edgeos related device_tracker.

You need to give the device a static IP address and fill a new in for that device (all in the router). Then you add that name in the monitored_devices and also the device_tracker.

It’s not manadtory to have the device in monitored devices in order to have it as device tracker,
Monitores devices is to get analytics on the device while tracker is to use it as tracker…

I have the same problem with disconnecting devices. Connecting a device almost instantly changes the state to ‘home’ but when disconnecting it takes about an hour to get ‘not home’. Wouldn’t it make more sense to get the status from ARP?
When I try “show arp | grep [IP address]” it seems to give a pretty good representation if the device is connected or not.


There is proposal how to deal with iphone wake-ups:

I set ssl: false however I’m getting an error as the component is trying to access the router on port 443 … I don’t need to use ssl since access is local only … is ssl: false working ?

Port 443 requires SSL. Try port 80.

didn’t work … added self-signed certs to my er-8

works fine now …

does the RX and TX track total usage or what’s currently being used? I’d like to use this component to monitor my total data usage per month.

Hello everyone; hoping you can assist - i have just copied in the edgeos folder into my custom_components folder and have added the following:

ssl: true
username: username
password: password

and my tracker.yaml looks like this
- platform: edgeos
#List of network devices to treat as device tracker

I have the noted IP set as static on my edgeRouter X SFP but i am not seeing the tracker in HA. The only item i can see is:

Would someone be able to help point me in the right direction on how i can get the tracker working?

Thank you!

Hi, hosts means hostname not an IP, that should solve it

Thanks; that fixed it!

How long does it take for the device to show away after it has left the network? I waited 10 mins and it was still showing home. Thanks.

What was the hostname? Edgerouterx? i am using the IP as well

This is what I have. the host is

The second screenshot is in my device_tracker.yaml.


how long does it take for your tracker to detect the tracked device has left the house?

It takes the edgeos 1 hour to update the data

can this be made configurable?

Not an option I’m familiar with, it would be great to have configurable…

Would be good to understand where the 1 hour limitation is - this kinda renders it useless for me :frowning:

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As someone else has asked, can the uptime be displayed in days instead of seconds?