Custom Component: ENTSO-e Day Ahead Energy Prices

Today I didn’t got an update on my new prices. I’ve tried to restart the Home Assistant Yellow, the reboot the services, et cetera. But without any success.

More people who experienced this? Any idea what could be done about that?

Same here, no prices for tomorrow yet. I think i didn’t see new data on the Entso-e platform either until late this evening. However I could not find anything suggesting the service was down on their side.

Tried restarting HA, new setup of Entso-e integration with new API token, but no luck so far.

Edit: There are no tomorrow prices for the NL region available on the Entso-e platform at this time.

Issue seems to be resolved, I’ve received new prices without any action on my HA

Hi all,

I have two sensors for the entsoe platform, (one with tax and the other without.)

They both stopted working for no apparent reason, as far as i can see. (data isn’t updated anymore)
I made a new sensor, with a different name, that one is updating values.

I complete removed the Entsoe configuration and complete folder in Custom components, and re installed it.
I reused the old sensor names that were not working, to find out that they are still not working.
Again a completely new sensor with a different name is working.

So somehow there is something related to this sensor “name” in home assistant that is not working.

Does anyone have an idea?

I’ve added a new configuration as well, with the same API key and such. And then it works as expected. No idea what the reason behind it is though.

If someone has the answer, feel free to share!

Hi all,

Is anyone reading and using this topic, from Belgium ? Has anyone in Belgium got a ‘flexible’ contract where you pay by the energy consumed per hour to get maximum use of this integration ? If so, which contract at which supplier please ? (DM is possible if you want to share private)

Thanks all,



Where you able to find the injection prices ?

Hello Bart

Supplier: I’m using the “Dynamic” contract from Engie Electrabel. See Voorwaarden en prijsfiches | ENGIE

I use the following integrations to pull the dynamic prices:

  • ENTSO-e
  • nordpool
  • nordpool_diff

More details about how my system works see:

FYI: I kept detailed costs since I’ve switched to this type of contract. In the first 9 months I’ve saved about €2400 by picking this type of contract and using it right using HA.

Thanks a lot @bel_RV, I’m going to have a good look at in. This is exactly what I am aiming for. Be sure that I will ‘harras’ you with more questions :wink:

Does anyone know why I get only one line and not two ? My tomorrow prices don’t seem to get calculated correctly:

This is the code I’m using

              - type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
                graph_span: 48h
                  start: day
                  stroke_width: 1
                    in_brush: true
                  show: true
                  label: Nu
                  show: true
                  title: Electriciteitsprijzen - afname (€/kwh)
                  show_states: true
                  standard_format: true
                  colorize_states: true
                chart_type: line
                  - entity: sensor.bart_weemaels_average_electricity_price_today
                    name: Prijs nu
                    float_precision: 2
                    type: column
                    opacity: 1
                    data_generator: |
                      return, index) => {
                        return [new Date(record.time).getTime(), record.price];
                    color: '#4169E1'
                      legend_value: false
                      in_header: before_now
                  - entity: sensor.bart_weemaels_average_electricity_price_today
                    name: Zelfde tijd morgen
                    float_precision: 2
                    type: column
                    opacity: 0.8
                    color: '#00BFFF'
                    data_generator: |
                      return, index) => {
                        return [new Date(record.time).getTime()-86400000, record.price];
                      legend_value: false
                      in_header: before_now

                    enabled: true
                    opposite: false
                    reversed: false
                    logarithmic: false
                    decimalsInFloat: 3
                    min: 0
                      show: true
                      enabled: true
                      show: true
                      show: true
                      rotate: -45

Screenshot added to this message

Thx a lot,


1 Like

Prices are published at 14:00 each day.

FYI I use this code below to draw the graph. I like to use “Date(record.time).getTime()-86400000” to map out the prices of the next day on top of the day before, but keep in mind between 0:00 and 14:00 it only shows a flat line.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 24h
  start: day
  stroke_width: 1
    in_brush: true
  show: true
  label: Nu
  show: true
  title: Electriciteitsprijzen - afname (€/kwh)
  show_states: true
  standard_format: true
  colorize_states: true
chart_type: line
  - entity: sensor.average_electricity_price_today
    name: Prijs nu
    float_precision: 2
    type: column
    opacity: 1
    data_generator: |
      return, index) => {
        return [new Date(record.time).getTime(), record.price];
    color: '#4169E1'
      legend_value: false
      in_header: before_now
  - entity: sensor.average_electricity_price_today
    name: Zelfde tijd morgen
    float_precision: 2
    type: column
    opacity: 0.8
    color: '#00BFFF'
    data_generator: |
      return, index) => {
        return [new Date(record.time).getTime()-86400000, record.price];
      legend_value: false
      in_header: before_now
  - entity: sensor.injectie_average_electricity_price_today
    name: Injectie nu
    opacity: 1
    float_precision: 2
    type: column
    color: '#006400'
    data_generator: |
      return, index) => {
        return [new Date(record.time).getTime(), record.price];
      legend_value: false
      in_header: before_now
  - entity: sensor.injectie_average_electricity_price_today
    name: Injectie morgen
    float_precision: 2
    type: column
    color: '#9ACD32'
    opacity: 0.8
    data_generator: |
      return, index) => {
        return [new Date(record.time).getTime()-86400000, record.price];
      legend_value: false
      in_header: before_now
    enabled: true
    opposite: false
    reversed: false
    logarithmic: false
    decimalsInFloat: 3
    min: -0.05
      show: true
      enabled: true
      show: true
      show: true
      rotate: -45

This is what I get:

1 Like

Thanks a lot @Bel_RV :slight_smile:
Will try the code now and keep you posted.

But as mentioned in other post. Where the h*** did you get the injection prices ? :slight_smile:

You can download the injection prices. The distribution costs are added for the consumer prices. You can add it to a template in the entso-e integration. See the discussion on the integration 's github page. It lists the calculation per country.

Has anyone got the same idea to make a graph with the comparison of tradtional billing & the dynamic billing ? A graph that visualises the cost per hour using the entso-e / nordpool pricing vs the cost per hour (day) using the fixed cost in traditional energy contract ?

