Custom Component fix - Midea change on barban dev

Hello everyone, First of all I am not a pro python developer it is the first time I’m trying to change a custom component. I’ve tried to edit the following custom component to support multiple devices : Which I’ve kind of succeeded with the following changes to init py in -Midea_dehumi Custom Component (Midea/Inventor Invmate EVA II PRO WiFi dehumidifier) . However for some reason the get values for the devices get scrambled (Device A getting status from Device B in HASS and vice versa) somehow i believe it is related with the get values functions but I honestly don’t see where to look at. Can someone support me on gettting the reason why this is happening?

I also got 2 midea deshumidifiers, but my knowledge don’t allow me to help !
this is a push up, if any dev could help us …

thank you in advance !