Custom Component: Flightradar24

Hi. You can filter in markdown like

      type: markdown
      content: >-
        {% set data = state_attr('sensor.flightradar24_current_in_area',
        'flights') %} {% for flight in data %}
          {% if flight.altitude > 0 %}
          <ha-icon icon="mdi:airplane"></ha-icon>{{ flight.flight_number }}({{ flight.aircraft_registration }}) - {{ flight.airline_short }} - {{ flight.aircraft_model }}
          {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}

Thanks. Now have the card working correctly.

v1.5.0 Released


  • Added tracked_by_device to events to know what device has fired the event
  • Added filter by altitude via configuration. In Edit configuration edit the minimum and maximum altitudes in foots between which the aircraft will be tracked
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v1.6.0 Released


  • Fixed device unique id. There was a bug when you have configurated more then 1 flightradar24 entries - all sensors from all entries are visible in one device. Now when you open integration device page you will see only related sensors.

NOTE! After update you will get one extra device that has no sensors (That was old device with the bug). You may disabled it or remove all integration entries and re-add them

Hi! Is there a way to get coordinates for one specific flight (by flight number), no matter where it currently is?

v1.7.0 Released


  • Added tracking a particular plane or planes by aircraft registration number no matter where it currently is
  • Added input fields to add or remove a flight for/from tracking

For more info please check the documentation

Only by aircraft registration number. Maybe in the future Ill add tracking by flight number

Thank you for creating this integration. i would like to track specific flights by flight number. My goal is to get the geo coordinates of a flight when a family member boards a flight, and then add the coordinates as another tracker to them. That way HA will know where the person is , even when all other trackers (specially their cellphone is off )

Tracking by flight number is under development now

Is there a way to setup an automation that tracks specific aircraft codes? For example, my wife loves tracking and I thought being able to track special flights like the codes listed here would be unbelievably cool!

I get the message: Entity not available:sensor.flightradar24_current_in_area
Were do I fix this?

Never mind.
I got it myself. I ‘forgot’ the whole HACS part setup.

This is what I have come up with but it hasn’t triggered yet, and I dont know if it is even right? I created another flightradar device for this with a ridiculously huge radious trying to cover most of the globe basically.

alias: Flight Radar Test
description: ""
  - platform: event
    event_type: flightradar24_entry
    id: Entry of Specific Flight
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ 'RRR' 'BOE' 'AIB' 'NASA' '000' 'ZZZ' == }}"
  - service: notify.samandsinead
    metadata: {}
      message: >-
        Special flight {{ }} to {{  }} altitude of {{ }} {{ trigger.event.aircraft_code }}
          - action: URI
            title: Open Flight Radar
            uri: /mushroom-guide/flight-radar
mode: single

v1.8.0 Released


  • Added additional tracking by flight number and call sign

NOTE! text.flightradar24_add_aircraft_registration_number renamed to text.flightradar24_add_to_track. But if you had installed previous version - It will not be renamed for you after update


Would it be possible for you to show an example of how one might setup a map card and automation to track specific calls signs like I’ve tried above? :pray:

Try this

alias: Flight Radar Test
description: ""
  - platform: event
    event_type: flightradar24_entry
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ in ('RRR','BOE','AIB','NASA','000','ZZZ') }}"
  - service: notify.samandsinead
      message: >-
        Special flight {{ }} to {{  }} altitude of {{ }} {{ trigger.event.aircraft_code }}
          - action: URI
            title: Open Flight Radar
            uri: /mushroom-guide/flight-radar
mode: single

Thank you!! I will try this. Out of curiosity - for an automation like this, when I set up the flight radar device to correspond with it, what is the maximum radius it will allow?

And is there a way to have a click action that opens flight radar to show that specific flight it has picked up?

Just came across this integration. I’ve got it successfully installed and just wanted to say thank you!

I’ve been using HA for many years now, but am looking into getting rid of my dakboard and just using HA. With a spouse that travels a lot this will be a nice addition combined with the airport status from the FAA.

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@AlexandrErohin do you know how I would configure the device in relation to this special flight automation you have helped me with? Ideally I’d like the radius to cover as large an area as possible

@AlexandrErohin And is there a way to have a click action that opens flight radar to show that specific flight it has picked up?