Custom Component for node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket

For the sensor-node, is there a way to change icon depending on state? Pretty much the only thing keeping me from converting the rest of my template sensors from HA to node-red.

I.e. in HA i’m using the icon_template attribute but in node red I only see a field for icon.

Yeah, could make it process jinja2 templates if the icon value from NR contains {% or {{

Sorry, you mean it’s already working like that or that you could make it in a future release?

Future release of the integration

Looked at the code to see if there was something I could contribute with but noticed something else.

In it says

on_states = (

Without looking further into it it seems LOCKED is regarded as on but the documentation says

lock : on means open (unlocked), off means closed (locked)

Is this as intended?

You are correct that should be swapped.

I’m not sure I’m at right place. Hope so.
I already successfully created a few entity nodes and they work as expected.

For unknown reasons I’m not able to make generic sensor, created by NodeRed to work. HA’s Sensor integration docs says:
Device Class: None : Generic sensor. This is the default and doesn’t need to be set.
But value of entity with no class set is shown by lovelace as “unknown”
Here is how the node is defined:

        "id": "e54e46de.e47868",
        "type": "ha-entity",
        "z": "a74a1247.24c79",
        "name": "Waste Bio",
        "server": "6cdd0bc8.b8e434",
        "version": 1,
        "debugenabled": false,
        "outputs": 1,
        "entityType": "sensor",
        "config": [
                "property": "name",
                "value": "Waste Bio"
                "property": "device_class",
                "value": ""
                "property": "icon",
                "value": ""
                "property": "unit_of_measurement",
                "value": ""
        "state": "payload",
        "stateType": "msg",
        "attributes": [],
        "resend": true,
        "outputLocation": "",
        "outputLocationType": "none",
        "inputOverride": "allow",
        "x": 980,
        "y": 380,
        "wires": [
        "id": "6cdd0bc8.b8e434",
        "type": "server",
        "z": "",
        "name": "Home Assistant"

On the other hand, node with class pressure, units: hPa works, just to prove that everything is installed as needed.

Another issues are followers of first one:

  1. if I change settings of such previously created generic sensor, for example by setting class to pressure and units to hPa, HA’s Lovelace reacts on the change of the type by changing icon, but value remains unknown
  2. how can I remove entities created by NodeRed? Removing from NodeRed is not enough. Integration of node red doesn’t offer such functionality. Remove option in HA’s Entities list rejects removal request

BTW: In Entity node properties, in “Server” dropdown list I have several (I think 4) items “Home Assistant”. Is it OK?

Thanx in advance
with regards

What do you have your deploy method set to?


You should only have one server connection unless you’re connecting to more than one HA server. The others were probably added when you imported someone’s example.

@kermit which post you are answering to? While I can answer on your first question (I’m using Full which is default), then your edit seems not applying to my question at all.

Hello everyone,

is it possible to have this exposed interfaces appear as disabled at HA start?


I have a similar question. Switches seem to be “enabled” whenever HA is started. There’s no option “Resend state and attributes” for switches like there is for binary sensor and sensor.

Edit: I’ll explain a bit more. I have a switch which is exposed to HA. Then I have a “state_changed” node which is doing stuff depending on if the state of the switch is on or off - on restart of HA it resends the state and the flow continues even though the value has not changed. So if it was on before restart -> after restart it will resend “on” and that messes my flow…

Edit 2: I originally tried just using the two outputs on the “entity node” switch, but they don’t seem to do anything even if the node itself turns on or off.

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Any tips for setting the “Attributes” in the entity node?
I’m looking to setup an occupancy sensor with an off_delay of 30 seconds.
I’ve tried the following with no luck.

In my case HA had not fully started as my TP-Link integration was not starting quickly as one of the devices was powered off. When I powered on that one TP-Link device then HA was able to start, and Node-Red was able to connect to HA.

Is it possible, via NR function or similar, to set the various attributes for the entity node ?

eg, i have a list of things from a web endpoint, and i want to create sensors for each of them, and set the releveant value

lets keep it simple to illustrate
lets say my json is

{ "list": [

id like to be able to process that payload, and crate sensors
sensor.list_one => 1
sensor.list_two => 2

Ive already got the json bit sorted, i just need to work out how to send the relevant info to the new entity node.
I can also set the “state” via msg.payload, but its the name of the sensor that im struggling with.

Is that doable somehow, or is the entity registered in HA when the node is added to the flow, as opposed to when its executed IN the flow?

If you want to have dynamically created sensors you need use the api node.

If your names are static you can just do something like this.


Thanks, thats certainly helpful.

That post looks like it has everything I need :slight_smile:

What if I already have a webhook in HA. Can I leverage that web hook for Node Red using this?

If so how? Since it looks like the Webhook node creates one. How do I use existing?

Can this part be dynamic?

entity node.

Use case is that I want a few sensors with similar names and the message to say where to place the data.
So something like "entity_{{ number }}".

I could place a switch node and send the message to one of x number of entity nodes but this would be much nicer.

How do I set the attributes using input?

[{"id":"f13a1458.268878","type":"function","z":"94bc1df0.962d9","name":"","func":"\nmsg.payload = \"test\";\nmsg.attributes = {\"media_position\": 1, \"vardagsrum\":2}\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"initialize":"","finalize":"","libs":[],"x":980,"y":2980,"wires":[["d89e397.c4012c8","9b850d6b.479c9"]]},{"id":"d9081699.4a0ee8","type":"inject","z":"94bc1df0.962d9","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"1","payloadType":"str","x":850,"y":2920,"wires":[["f13a1458.268878"]]},{"id":"d89e397.c4012c8","type":"ha-entity","z":"94bc1df0.962d9","name":"last_watched_2","server":"4bbca37b.1700ec","version":1,"debugenabled":false,"outputs":1,"entityType":"sensor","config":[{"property":"name","value":"last_watched_2"},{"property":"device_class","value":""},{"property":"icon","value":""},{"property":"unit_of_measurement","value":""}],"state":"payload","stateType":"msg","attributes":[],"resend":true,"outputLocation":"","outputLocationType":"none","inputOverride":"allow","x":1140,"y":3060,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"9b850d6b.479c9","type":"debug","z":"94bc1df0.962d9","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":1130,"y":2980,"wires":[]},{"id":"4bbca37b.1700ec","type":"server","name":"Home Assistant","legacy":false,"addon":true,"rejectUnauthorizedCerts":true,"ha_boolean":"y|yes|true|on|home|open","connectionDelay":true,"cacheJson":true}]

This sets the state to test, but the attributes are not changed.

never mind, I figured it out.

function node:

msg.payload = {"state": "test1",
        "media_position": 1, "vardagsrum":2
return msg;

Just a heads up re a breaking change in the latest updated to this custom component:

As mentioned in the release notes of v1.0.0:

Using attributes for state_class and last_reset on the entity node will no longer show these properties in Home Assistant. There are now config fields for these properties.

The mentioned new config fields will only appear in your Node Red sensor nodes if you also update contrib node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket in the Node Red palette to v0.40.0:


After that the node dialogs change and you can move your attributes to the new fields.
Here is an example: