I gave it a shot:
It gets your local AQI from google as well as a forecast.
Installable via HACS
Does it require a paid account?
Yes, Google wants money for the API, but you get 200$ or EUR monthly budget from them for free. for 5$, you can make 1000 calls (see Penggunaan dan Penagihan API Kualitas Udara | Air Quality API | Google for Developers) Their data gets updated only once per hour so calling the api in intervals of less than 60 minutes makes little sense. I added an option to get the forecast in different intervals (like every 6 hours for example).
In my setting I update the current data every 2 hours and the forecast every 12 hours. You’ll easily stay within the free 200$ budget with that and even can use other stuff they have.
Thanks for the response and the confirmation - and of course: for making this available!
I’ll give it another look - especially the forecast looks interesting.
here is a simple dashboard that makes use of the sensor and the forecast:
download wia HACS as custom repository of simply add to your www directory.
It only needs the entity of the sensor as config.