[Custom Component] HAM Radio Propagation

Hello everyone, I tried to facilitate the use of sensors for HAM Radio Propagation.
I created a custom component that allows you to quickly have all the information.

The data was provided by N0NBH’s HF Propagation Tools and Solar Data

You can install it via HACS
After installtion you can view your sensor in Lovelace like this or make your own graphics.

Let me know your opinions and any suggestions.
Thank you
73 de IZ0IJD


Thanks for sharing @emics Really useful!

A great feature to add would be to include a (or multiple) MUFs from @arodland KC2G’s website, with configuration option to select which station is of interest.

hi @kwirk i’ve track a new Issue in github, in the next days i try to work it.

HAM Radio Propagation v1.0.0

New MAJOR RELEASE with a complete refactoring code and Config Flow for fastest installation and configuration, directly in the Integration Page.

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

UPDATE - The HAM Radio Propagation YAML configuration has been removed
Your existing YAML configuration is not used in this release.
Remove the YAML configuration from your configuration.yaml file and restart Home Assistant to fix this issue.

73 de IZ0IJD

I am glad to see this, as I’ve wondered if something like it was available for Home Assistant.

HI @daywalker03 it’s a plasure to read your comment.
I hope I did a good job, if you have problems or bugs I ask you to open an issue on Github.

Don’t forget to like it both here and on Github

73’ de IZ0IJD

Thanks for the update @emics. :clap: Just updated and it’s working great.

I like the new feature of being able to select MUF, and ability to have multiple stations.

1 Like

It’s working fine for me, but I will let you know if I encounter any problems.

73’s de N8OHU

Hi friends,
a new release is ready for download. Small feature but interesting :rofl:

73’ de IZ0IJD

Hello everyone, HACS Team has finally approved our integration and now it is possible to install it directly from HACS without adding a custom repository.

Today the number of downloads soared.
Thank you all for the trust.

73’ de IZ0IJD

1 Like

Hi new release available.

What’s Changed

  • added traslation (DE - ES - FR - NL - PL - SE)
  • added new sensor foF2 and foE from ionosonde

73’ de IZ0IJD

Hi new release available.

  • added new solar X-Ray sensors Class and Scale.
    • The Class sensor is the modern classification system for solar flares and use letters A, B, C, M, or X, according to the peak flux in watts per square metre (W/m2)
    • The Scale sensor is the numerical representation of the Class sensor and can be used to trigger automations and notifications.

Class to Scale sensor translation example

Class Scale Factor
A1.1 1.1 x1
A5.1 5.1 x1
B1.4 14 x10
B8.7 87 x10
C2.5 250 x100
C7.9 790 x100
M2.3 2300 x1000
M5.2 5200 x1000
M7.3 7300 x1000
X1.7 11000 x10000
X3.7 37000 x10000
X6.9 69000 x10000

This new senors are updated every 10 minutes, others every hour.

73’ de IZ0IJD

Hi friends,
now is available a Telegram Group for more quick discussion and ideas.

new Release available, minor feature:

Hi Friends,
run now and try this fantastic integration.

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.


Has there been a change to this recently? I’m getting an error when it tries to display the solar_hf_muf sensor and none of the cards display properly now.

Is it possible to get VHF conditions, especially some indication when 6M e-skip is occurring.