Custom Component: Hayward Aquarite

Hello Everyone,

This is a thread to discuss the Aquarite custom integrations.

It’s a cloud integration, so your pool / Aquarite controller will need to be connected to Hayward cloud. You need the Aquarite Wifi module for this to work.

If you are looking for a “cloud less” / local control of the Aquarite, check this out GitHub - alexdelprete/HA-NeoPool-MQTT: Home Assistant MQTT integration for Tasmota NeoPool module

As any custom integration, this goes over HACS to be installed. repo to add is fdebrus/hayward-ha (

Please refer to further install instruction in the github.

Feedback welcome !

I have a Bayrol Salt Relax pro and this integration works perfectly for me! Very good job.

We had some issues with sensor updates or high CPU usage, but everything was resolved and it works very well for me.

I was looking for a Integration like this for a long time and now my automation does exactly what I want.

Really nice work

Hello @fdebrus,

I have an Aquarite plus since 3 years with the wifi module and your integration works flawlessly (with the beta 0.0.9) for the main infos. Thank you very much for the hard work ! And thanks to @djerik for the initial integration which I also tried.

For the first feedback I noticed that the Aux Relay doesn’t work for me (I use the first one for my Polaris pool bot in auto mode one hour per day). The relay is always off in HA. I have renamed it to “Polaris” so maybe this can cause a problem to the integration…

If you want me to do some tests your welcome (my setup is with electrolysis and php pump with low tank sensor).

A big thank you again !

@Tof32 I’ve renamed my relay 1 and as I turn it on in the integration it gets reflected in the native Hayward application.

Do you get the correct status there as well ? but the relay is physically still off ?

ok, found the problem. will issue a new version soon.

The problem is only in Auto, no problem In manual it seems, is that what you found ?

I trust there are 2 fields to be updated “status” and “onoff” for the API when it’s relays.
Today I only update “onoff”, I need a bit of logic rework so one item update 2 fields.
Will update as a new beta is available to test relay. That should solve your situation.

Ok I see, maybe in Auto, you may block the update function and only get status ? BTW no need for this for me, I can wait so take your time :innocent:

When I update a relay to ON in the hayward application, only onoff is updated

Do you mean that when the “Auto Mode” turns on the relay, this is not updated in HA ?
Then it’s now working with the below modification in New release is available

    def is_on(self):
        """Return true if the device is on."""
        onoff_value = bool(self._dataservice.get_value(self._value_path))
        if "relay" in self._value_path:
            # Derive the corresponding status path by replacing 'onoff' with 'status'
            status_path = self._value_path.replace('onoff', 'status')
            status_value = bool(self._dataservice.get_value(status_path))
            return onoff_value or status_value

        return onoff_value

Yes it’s exactly what I mean :slight_smile:, I have updated to 0.1.1, I will tell you after the next ON time, this way I will have the history of ON time in HA !

Have a nice day

It’s working thanks !

Thanks for the testing and feedback ! have a nice day

You will not get a precise history, I’ve setup a 13h to 14h schedule.
It reports starting at 13h05 and stopping at 14h10.

This is internal Hayward, nothing we can change or tune. (internal refresh, firestore document update delay).

I’m planning a new release post summer. What comes to mind as new features

  • Sensor for pool availabilty, True or False if pool is connected to cloud.
  • More robust connectivity to cloud, eg leverage new internal oauth2 management from HomeAssistant
  • Hayward cloud connectivity restore following network cuts

Other that you would like to see added / modified ?

So the API has changed, the “old” ways of working is still active but I trust they will switch to the new API “only” very soon. I’m adapting the code.