Custom Component - HP Printer

Hi, if i use this integration my knx system have issue during home assistant boot. Not update entity states. If i uninstall this integration all works fine. My printer integration works fine, so the problem is not a bad configuration.

i tried tu launch the debug_data service but no file stored in my config path.

but i found this:

I followed your code but cannot get in the frontend this part:

     - type: entities
         - entity: sensor.hp_photosmart_5510_b111a_ink_black
           style: |
             :host {
               --paper-item-icon-color: black;
           type: custom:multiple-entity-row
           name: Ink Black
           icon: mdi:invert-colors
           name_state: Füllstand
             attribute: ['Installed At']
             name: Eingebaut am
             attribute: ['Warranty Expiration Date']
             name: Läuft ab am
         - entity: sensor.hp_photosmart_5510_b111a_ink_cyan
           style: |
             :host {
               --paper-item-icon-color: cyan;
           type: custom:multiple-entity-row
           name: Ink Cyan
           icon: mdi:invert-colors
           name_state: Füllstand
             attribute: ['Installed At']
             name: Eingebaut am
             attribute: ['Warranty Expiration Date']
             name: Läuft ab am
         - entity: sensor.hp_photosmart_5510_b111a_ink_magenta
           style: |
             :host {
               --paper-item-icon-color: magenta;
           type: custom:multiple-entity-row
           name: Ink Magenta
           icon: mdi:invert-colors
           name_state: Füllstand
             attribute: ['Installed At']
             name: Eingebaut am
             attribute: ['Warranty Expiration Date']
             name: Läuft ab am
         - entity: sensor.hp_photosmart_5510_b111a_ink_yellow
           style: |
             :host {
               --paper-item-icon-color: yellow;
           type: custom:multiple-entity-row
           name: Ink Yellow
           icon: mdi:invert-colors
           name_state: Füllstand
             attribute: ['Installed At']
             name: Eingebaut am
             attribute: ['Warranty Expiration Date']
             name: Läuft ab am

I don’t get the attributes showing in the card… Where is the error?
Obviously I changed the sensor names reflecting mine…
What i get is this:
Schermata 2020-02-18 alle 12.36.29

Anybody can help me please…

There was a change to the way that the multiple-entity-row works with getting attributes… I got caught out with this same thing the other day.

I’ve fixed your code, and this work for me. I only changed the code for black, but you can copy, paste, and edit for the others…

type: entities
  - entity: sensor.hp8600_ink_black
    style: |
      :host {
       --paper-item-icon-color: black;
    type: 'custom:multiple-entity-row'
    name: Ink Black
    icon: 'mdi:invert-colors'
    name_state: Füllstand
      - attribute: Installed At
        name: Eingebaut am
      - attribute: Warranty Expiration Date
        name: Läuft ab am

Thanks, it works!!!

finally found the issue, data structure is bit different when there is 1 or more inks / toners,
please take latest and check that it works

Just updated to latest version, got this error or restart, has worked great up to now:

Head type Printhead color mapping for CMYK not available
3:56 PM custom_components/hpprinter/ (WARNING) - message first occurred at 1:51 PM and shows up 243 times

Theres already an issue on Github, I’ve commented there too.


Fixed that issue, information available in GitHub

In addition, added new status sensor that reads the status from the printer:
Off, On, Printing, Scanning, Copying, Canceling Job

This fixed the problem, thanks for the quick turnaround

Sensor works great too, I had this setup using esphome and the power monitoring plug I have the printer plugged into


Any idea why after the last few upgrades I don’t see the sensors?


Name of the sensors is not like it supposed to be, please check in Developer -> States and let me know if there is an issue


This is what I see in the configuration, but I don’t see any sensors. The issue with the integration started after the change that setting the printer can only be done from the UI. I hope you will return the option to configure it via the yamls.

Meant for Developers -> States not Configuration -> Devices,
Pleaae try to remove the integration and check for leftovers, if there are still devices, remove them and add the integration once again


I found one bug for me . It show in integration HP Printer Printer and as entity also show HP Printer Printer but it is entity which show value printed pages and shoud name HP Printer Pages.


The first HP Printer is the name of the integration you have set, the name of the sensor is “{Integration name} Printer” which is the printer outcome sensor, for AIO models there is also one for Scanner.

By the way, the unit of measurement is pages.

I’ve done it. Tryinh now to add device in configuration -> integration UI but without any luck. I really hope you will add in the future the option to define the printer via configuration yaml files, which make all much more simple :frowning:

You have great integration, really want to use it, but after the change, i only have issues :frowning:

Did you fully removed it from yaml?
Can you please post debug files as described in the readme file?

I’m not planning to add the yaml config soon as HA going to the UI configuration approach


Hi i have a HP color laser 150nw. does any thing be enabled on the printer?

I still get tons of these in the log, seems to working fine, but anyway to get rid of them? HP LaserJet M175nw

Head type Imagedrum color mapping for OPC not available
9:49 AM custom_components/hpprinter/ (WARNING) - message first occurred at 9:38 AM and shows up 65 times

I have successfully re - configure the printer so all is good now.

Still hope to have the ability to define via yamls :slight_smile: