RTI screens are proprietary and only talk RTI processors. Do you have a dealer/programmer you work with? Or are you hoping to try and get access to this system? RTI is not a DIY system. (I’m sure you know this, just re-iterating it)
yeah I’m aware. I have a dealer and actually have the app to program the devices … waiting on an update to my network gear to get the rest online (switch failed) and then will see what I can do from there … amazon is a few weeks out on that shipment thanks to things in the world.
Thread has gone quiet… Interesting phenom watching between this component and the Node-RED integration for Hubitat it would seem lots of people are moving the logic off of HE.
what’s the easiest way to push devices not syncing from hubitat to home assistant? I have two switches I can see in hubitat that just will not sync over … I can see they are checked in the makerAPI. restarted it all, pushed update in entities / integration. no dice.
Huh? No no… lots of people moving AWAY from HE for the logic. Lots are moving to this component and HASS for the automations or moving to Node-RED for the automation logic and dashboards…
I’m just curious if people are seeing large performance gains and less frequent HE slow downs, lock ups, DB corruption etc.
Restarting HA resyncs devices. Enable debug logging for homeassistant.custom_components.hubitat and hubitatmaker, restart HA, and see what the log shows. You should see the integration loading the state of every device.
If some are missing, try hitting the Maker API endpoint directly, like with
So far that’s been my experience too with the integrations I’ve done with it and other platforms. However I want to see what others experiences are showing.
I really thought I’d be doing a lot of HA work throughout this but doing real work from my office has made me want to take a break from it when it’s quittin’ time. But as @jason0x43 said, I think it’s gone quiet because it’s pretty darn solid. All of my desired devices work perfectly. I’ve had a couple of HE hiccups, but that’s really par for the course with HE until they catch their ghosts.
All that’s left is getting this baby as an official integration… That’d be nice to see roll across the blog post one Wednesday afternoon!