Custom Component: Hubitat

Thanks for sharing! I ordered 2 red series and 2 black series and just got them in yesterday. Excited to install them today.

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Any support for zigbee rgbw bulbs and led strips?

Hubitat does. I should warn that I tried to make some color animations in Hubitat, they slowed down the hub. I add anything with color to my Hue hub. Even third party zigbee RGBW strips. It even works locally, did an internet kill test.

I meant does this component support them?

It supports RGB and color-temperature lights, so you should be good.

great, thanks

Well, I’ve figured out how to prevent HA from trashing my zwave network on reboot. It appears that the UI is saying that zwave has started up but it actually hasn’t finished, I found by watching the logs. What’s happening is I’m doing development or configuration and because every little thing requires a reboot, I end up rebooting multiple times, sometimes before the zwave network has finished it’s utterly ridiculous startup routine.

By being patient for it to start all the way up, it’s been stable. 107 definitely introduced some routing bugs, however. Many of my nodes now report no neighbors and have that CAN and Timeout error on startup. After about 30 minutes after reboot the mesh settles down and works ‘pretty’ flawlessly despite the weird errors and no neighbors. I say ‘pretty’ flawlessly, in comparison to HE’s automation latency. I’ll take it if it doesn’t break.

But now that its working, I’m restlessly looking for something new to do. :slight_smile:


I’ve been using zwave2mqtt for a month or so, and it has been fine for me. It supports 100% of the devices I have on Hubitat (I bought an extra one of each of the most critical ones to test on zw2m). But, yeah, if it doesn’t support your specific devices, that is kind of a show stopper regardless what it DOES support.

Has been perfectly stable for me. BUT, I use the standalone version on an rpi, I don’t use the HA integration version of zw2m - maybe it is quirkier than the standalone?

But it is annoying that openzwave is making a custom/new version for HA. Things are going to start diverging, which I think sucks. Yes, it will all gain parity again eventually, but it is in a high degree of flux right now and for the foreseeable future.

zw2m and my devices worked fine. I should have clarified that the HASS display/integration of a lot of my devices was not working correctly. Those devices are documented as not fully working so it was not a surprise.

Thank you so much for this integration it is fantastic and really appreciate the work you put in. It was brought up before regarding inovelli switches and the passing on of central scene data. Is it because of the use of central scenes that the data can not be sent from hubitat to HA? When connected directly, the inovelli switches send their scene data through the zwave entity (zwave.****) through two variables scene_data and scene_id. It also requires some manipulation of the zwcfg.xml file to work so that they can capture these variables. Anyways, wanted to see if there was any possible way to get that data from hubitat to HA in order to incorporate scenes from the HA side. Thanks again!

The HA integration is dependent on the Maker API. If Hubitat, via the Maker API, provides any state data and/or commands related to scenes, then the integration can work with that. Hubitat’s list of standard device capabilities doesn’t mention scenes, but the Maker API does appear to handle custom commands and attributes. You can check to see what’s being advertised for one of your switches with a curl command:

$ curl http://<hubitat address>/apps/api/<maker API ID>/devices/<switch ID>?access_token=<maker API token>

That should print a JSON structure that lists all the state attributes and commands for the given device. If there’s anything about scenes in there, the integration can be updated to support them.

Looks promising. This is what I get:

{“id”:“331”,“name”:“Inovelli Dimmer Red Series LZW31-SN”,“label”:“Bar Room Lights”,“attributes”:[{“name”:“energy”,“currentValue”:0.055,“dataType”:“NUMBER”},{“name”:“firmware”,“currentValue”:“1.35”,“dataType”:“STRING”},{“name”:“held”,“currentValue”:null,“dataType”:“NUMBER”},{“name”:“lastActivity”,“currentValue”:“2020 Apr 14 Tue 7:25:18 PM”,“dataType”:“STRING”},{“name”:“lastEvent”,“currentValue”:null,“dataType”:“STRING”},{“name”:“level”,“currentValue”:null,“dataType”:“NUMBER”},{“name”:“numberOfButtons”,“currentValue”:8,“dataType”:“NUMBER”},{“name”:“power”,“currentValue”:0,“dataType”:“NUMBER”},{“name”:“pushed”,“currentValue”:null,“dataType”:“NUMBER”},{“name”:“switch”,“currentValue”:“off”,“dataType”:“ENUM”,“values”:[“on”,“off”]}],“capabilities”:[“Switch”,{“attributes”:[{“name”:“switch”,“dataType”:null}]},“Polling”,“Configuration”,“SwitchLevel”,{“attributes”:[{“name”:“level”,“dataType”:null}]},“Refresh”,“EnergyMeter”,{“attributes”:[{“name”:“energy”,“dataType”:null}]},“PowerMeter”,{“attributes”:[{“name”:“power”,“dataType”:null}]},“Sensor”,“Actuator”,“HoldableButton”,{“attributes”:[{“name”:“held”,“dataType”:null}]},“PushableButton”,{“attributes”:[{“name”:“numberOfButtons”,“dataType”:null},{“name”:“pushed”,“dataType”:null}]},“ChangeLevel”],“commands”:[“childOff”,“childOn”,“childRefresh”,“childSetLevel”,“componentOff”,“componentOn”,“componentRefresh”,“componentSetLevel”,“configure”,“off”,“on”,“poll”,“refresh”,“reset”,“setAssociationGroup”,“setLevel”,“startLevelChange”,“startNotification”,“stopLevelChange”,“stopNotification”]}

The held and pushed variables are what I believe allow for scene control. Is there a way we could include those into HA? Again, thank you for this

Those should actually already be available as device automation triggers. In HA, go to Settings -> Devices -> . You should get a view that looks something like this:

Click on the (+) in the Automations box, and you should get a popup with button actions, like


Wow, amazing. Now have full functionality with Inovelli light switches using hubitat for z wave connections and HA for automation. This is fantastic!


Awesome thank you so much! I am about to download and give this a try!


{“id”:“67”,“name”:“Device”,“label”:“Towel Warmer”,“attributes”:[{“name”:“power”,“currentValue”:null,“dataType”:“NUMBER”},{“name”:“power1”,“currentValue”:0,“dataType”:“NUMBER”},{“name”:“power2”,“currentValue”:0,“dataType”:“NUMBER”},{“name”:“switch”,“currentValue”:null,“dataType”:“ENUM”,“values”:[“on”,“off”]},{“name”:“switch1”,“currentValue”:“off”,“dataType”:“ENUM”,“values”:[“on”,“off”]}],“capabilities”:[“Switch”,{“attributes”:[{“name”:“switch”,“dataType”:null}]},“Configuration”,“Refresh”,“PowerMeter”,{“attributes”:[{“name”:“power”,“dataType”:null}]},“Sensor”,“Actuator”],“commands”:[“configure”,“off”,“off”,“on”,“on”,“refresh”]}

I have some swidget Zwave plug inserts that I am using on Hubitat, but I’m not having luck getting them into HA. The outlet is modular, and I’m using the zwave insert. It’s fully functional in Hubitat, but nothing seems to work in HA. I should be able to see the current power levels of both outlets and toggle one of the outlets. Any ideas as to how I can get this to work?

When you say that nothing works in HA, do you mean that the devices don’t show up at all? Or do they show up in HA but aren’t responsive?

Sorry, I should have been clearer. The devices are listed, but I cannot control them. I do see one switch and one power sensor for each actual outlet, when there should really be 2 power sensors and one switch. Toggling the switch fails.

Hmmm…ok. So, only one power value is shown because the integration currently only works with standard Hubitat device capabilities. Power-metering switches implement a “PowerMeter” capability, which says that the switch will have a single “power” attribute. Your switch does have a power attribute, but it looks like it’s unused (its value is null) in favor of the power1 and power2 attributes. That’s why its value is showing up as “unknown”.

I can add support for non-standard power attributes. Hopefully nothing else uses “power<suffix>” for a custom attribute. :smiley:

As far as the switch behavior goes, does toggling the switch in HA affect the physical switch at all? Like, if you turn on the switch in HA, does the actual switch turn on even if the toggle in HA stays (or automatically returns to) off?

ah, that makes sense. That would be great if you could extend that functionality, as I have a bunch of their devices waiting to be setup.

The switch will turn on for a few seconds then reverts to off in the UI. I checked the Developer tools log section but don’t see anything flagged there indicating anything helpful.