Custom Component: Hubitat

That looks like a bug. When I add an automation to toggle a light that listens for double taps, both pushes and double taps will trigger it. If instead it listens for pushes, both pushes and double taps still trigger it.

I opened an issue for it.

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I’ve been using this component for a few months, and it’s been extremely consistent and works very well. Over the past week or two I’ve had a few instances where upon restart of my Home Assistant it would re-find all of my Hubitat connected devices and re-add them. The integration doesn’t work in that state, and despite there being two of everything nothing actually works. A restart of Home Assistant immediately makes things work again, but all the extra entities are still there.

Sure, I can just go remove them and go on my merry way, but I figured I should bring it up. This never used to happen until recently. I don’t know if I attribute it to the recent updates to the component, or the Home Assistant 1.10 upgrade, or something else altogether (can’t think of what), but maybe someone else has seen something similar?

There have been a couple reports of similar issues. I think the issue is related to the use of MAC addresses in device IDs. There’s an open issue to fix that, as soon as I have some time to work on it.

Is there any error compensation in the code?

I noticed I had an automation fail tonight. The reason? My Hubitat threw an error 500.

Is there a mechanism that can catch an error 500 and retry the last command before throwing a python error and halting everything?

Jason FYI I noticed my fans now appear to work with speed control.

There isn’t any retry functionality at the moment, although adding something wouldn’t be too hard. Possibly the integration could retry commands one or two times, with short delays, before giving up.

Is everyone still doing periodic hub reboots?

Had a zigbee sensor decide it needed 6 seconds to report a change. Did a reboot and things are fast again. My HE config is pretty much down to nothing at this point. But, maybe it still needs periodic reboots? Mine had been up since mid-May.

I am not. As long as I don’t use any automations on HE it performs well as a radio. I only have a couple unsupported on HA devices left over there.

I’ve only been rebooting when a hub update is installed.

I still have two active hubs left from back when I was trying the whole “throw hubs at the problem” approach (at least they’re worth more now that the price doubled). One is feeding Z-wave devices to HA and the other is feeding Zigbee. I’ve had at least one instance of the Z-wave hub stop updating (I mainly use it for smart outlets) which was fixed by a reboot.

I do have a handful of glass break sensors that are not Z-Wave Plus, so I moved those over to the zigbee hub to see if that helps, so I’ve now got a separate z-wave and z-wave plus mesh. All of my problems with Hubitat seemed to be provably Z-Wave related and replacing hubs just gave a different set of problems. Given the state of zwave in HA, I’d convert all my remaining devices ro zigbee, but there are still a number of things that are z-wave only.

I’ll have to see what is still on there possibly causing issues. I think I had a couple of chatty devices with debug logging turned on, not sure if that could have had any issues.

I wonder if I need to review my zigbee channel again.

I didn’t have to for a while after switching to all HA automation. But then slowly but surely it seemed I had to once per week. Even that’s automated in home assistant… I think…

I’m gonna set something like that, worth the peace of mind.

I just published version 0.5.4. Nothing super exciting on the outside, but it should be more stable on the inside. Hopefully the “I restarted HA and all my devices were duplicated” issue will be a thing of the past (although it may happen one more time after you update if whatever MAC address weirdness happens at the time).


They doubled the price of their worthless crap? Now that’s funny.

I’m new to Hubitat but I’m in a process of transitioning to Hubitat with HomeAssistant as UI and Node-Red for automations. I’m loving this integration but I noticed that while the integration creates entities for a switch and it’s power readout (which is brilliant as it saves me from creating virtual ones extracting the info from device attributes) it does not create one for energy (total accumulated kWh, “Energy Meter” capability) readout. As I’m using my own device handlers ( ) I’m wandering if I missed something or is this an expected behavior?

I also noticed that removed devices stay in the integration - is there a way to remove them?

It was “always on sale” before and now that there’s a huge demand for alternatives to Wink, they coincidentally ended the sale so the hubs are now $129 (though they apparently have no inventory to sell right now). I feel bad seeing all the excited Wink refugees posting about buying SmartThings (I am still on the list to get the weekly notifications of their service outages) or Hubitat thinking they’re in store for a beautiful new world.

Poor clueless Wink users getting screwed by yet another worthless Home Automation hub.

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Since we keep derailing poor Jason’s project thread with snark about Hubitat, I went ahead and created a topic for folks migrating here from HE. I posted the few tips and confusing bits I’ve learned so far. Just thought it might be handy to have out there.