Custom Component: Hubitat

No problem! I’m glad to hear it started working. :slight_smile:

Ah, so possibly HE itself is logging multiple duplicate events per button push? What driver are you using for the button device?

I’m getting the same behavior with both Inovelli switches/dimmers and GE switches/dimmers. So 4 different drivers.

This is the driver I’m using for Inovelli dimmers which is the most used item. It is not the standard Inovelli driver.

Hmmm…you shouldn’t be getting hubitat_event messages for switches. They should only be fired for certain trigger events (button pushes/holds and locks are currently the only ones).

Sorry, when I’m speaking of switches I’m talking about the button pushes of the switch.

The Inovelli switches are essentially buttons. A single press up is button 1, double press up is button 3, triple press up is button 5, etc…

For the GE switches, a single press up is like an actual switch. Double press up is a button press.

So you are correct, a single up or down on a GE paddle doesn’t cause any events. Every press of an Inovelli switch does.

TIL (I’ve had GE switches for years and somehow missed that) :smiley:

So, for button presses:

  1. Do you get the same number of duplicate events for every button press all the time, or do they vary by device (or something else)? Like, if you push an Inovelli button or a GE button, do you always get 4 (or however many) events? Or does GE generate 2 and Inovelli 4, or do you get 2 events sometimes and 4 other times from a single device?
  2. Are you only seeing duplicates in HA, or does it look like HE is generating duplicate events as well?

1: Same number of events regardless of switch or dimmer. It’s always 4.
2: In HE’s logs with debug logging and info logging turned on, I see multiple log entries (usually 7 or 8) but no duplicates. I’m not home right now to post an exact log entry but it goes something like this
DEBUG: Switch XYZ Button 1 Pressed
DEBUG:Switch XYZ Level 100
Info: Button 1 pressed on switch XYZ
Info: Switch XYZ is on

It seems the extension breaks automations in HA 0.115.0. I should have a fix out relatively shortly.

Not all GE zwave switched send button events, so you may or may not have that functionality.

@jason0x43 Thanks for this, it’s working good for me. I did notice that the link to the readme in the 1st post is pointed to an old version instead of the master branch. Let me know if there is anything you need help with, I’m happy to contribute.


Holy Schwer Batman!!
Nice to see you over on this side Chuck.



Welcome @cschwer and thanks for your work!

[edit] I was PMed, not by cschwer, with a request to remove my comment.

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Good catch! I’ve updated it.

If anything in the issues list piques your fancy, I’m always open to PRs. :smile: I’ve been working on other things lately, and I need to get back to those…



This error log has started to appear

Logger: hubitatmaker.hub
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hubitatmaker/
First occurred: 20 september 2020 01:41:33 (7 occurrences)
Last logged: 06:31:59

Tried to update unknown device None

Can I ignore this or should I do something :)?

You can ignore this. It’s happening because Hubitat is sending SSDP (device discovery) events over the Maker API, and those events aren’t associated with a device. (I’m not sure when that started happening, but I also just recently noticed it.)

I’ve opened an issue to fix that.

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Hmmm…Google has finally opened up their new Nest developer API. That’s the only non-zigbee/zwave thing I’m using Hubitat for (I setup the Nest integration on Hubitat while you could still do that, and it’s still working), and I’d love to have HA manage the thermostat directly. Unfortunately, to be able to do anything with the new API I have to migrate my Nest account to a Google account, at which point my existing control over the Nest will go away. Tricky.

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I’ve been using bad nest and it seems to work ok:


I switched my Nest account to a Google account awhile ago and then realized that my Nest developer api didn’t work anymore :frowning:

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Same here. Don’t use the repo from the OP, it hasn’t been maintained in a while. Use the one by mattsch, it’s current.

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Unless you’re on the old nest account like me because you found your old secrets in the .storage files of an old HA backup and everything is humming along… so far… tomorrow they’ll say ok api is open. Works with nest is axed today. Thanks bye.

I set up my Hubitat with all generic drivers, cause I wasn’t thinking clearly, and integrated with Home Assistant. Things worked great thanks to jason0x43. However, I had massive z-wave issues in Hubitat, so I re-attached each device with custom drivers. Now in Home Assistant, I have many duplicates. I was able to remove a bunch in the core.device_registry and core.entity_registry but I still have more rooting around to do. One thing very odd is that some of the light switches originally came over as light.some_name. After the custom driver, they are switch.some_name. In the entities I will have two items, as shown below.

Any idea how to clean this up?