Custom Component: Hubitat

There isn’t currently a way to send arbitrary Hubitat-specific commands. However, it shouldn’t be too hard to add a general “send_command” service for Hubitat devices.

I opened an issue for that.

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I can’t find this in the configuration/intgrations. I click the ‘+’ and search, but it doesn’t show up.

Hmmm… It’s definitely in HACS’s list of default repos, but I don’t see it in the list, either. I updated the project manifest with a version field, in case that’s causing issues. Otherwise I’ll have to dig into it a bit more to see what’s going on.

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Do I need to add that repository? And if so what is the correct thing to add?

yea i just transferred to OS on a pi and I deleted it and can’t find it anymore. Damn spent so much time trying to figure it out before checking here XD

Cool project but I have to scratch my head as to why someone would do this. I understand the basic context, take advantage of HA’s integrations for things not supported on HE. But if someone is going to spend the time to spin up an instance of HA on separate hardware, I can’t grasp why they wouldn’t also take advantage of the better dashboards and the speed increase they can get by offloading the automations off of the HE hub. Not to mention no longer dealing with hub reboots and slow downs.

Simply my opinion here, but using this custom component to bring HE to devices to HA makes the perfect home automation system.

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do you recommend that I wait or install manually?

It used to be jason0x43/hacs-hubitat, although I’d expect the full URL of to work as well. @dj13990 mentioned that neither of these seemed to work, so I’m not entirely sure what’s going on yet.

Heh, that was my first thought, too. Really, though, Hubitat’s Rule or WebCore are automation systems just like HA’s Automations, Node Red, or AppDaemon. I suppose if you’re not feeling resource constrained on Hubitat and you like how they work, it makes sense. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Installing manually is fine. Once the HACS issue is resolved, you should be able to install from HACS over the existing manual install.

Have a look at my HubConnect integration. The API for integrating into remote systems is fully documented. I don’t have much time to put into it right now but do believe that would be a great way to create a bi-directional link between the two systems. All of the work is done for the Hubitat side, just need someone with Home Assistant/Python experience. That unfortunately is not a task I’m well suited for.

Thanks, @jason0x43. I will keep checking the HACA’s default. I’ll let you know when it appears. Please let me know if you figure out why it is not working.

I thought the project was a God send, because I wanted to migrate off of Hubitat and Jason gave me a way to do it iteratively.

Long time no see. How ya been?

If you’re still using HE for zwave, you might consider migrating to the zwavejs on HA. It’s wicked fast. Still new and missing some attributes here and there, but so fast. No more zwave mess with every reboot.

I went in the opposite direction you guys have for automations. Started with node-red. Went to appdaemon. Now I’m mixing in some native. Recently though, I moved a number of things to appdaemon that I’d done in native. I just have far more control and transparency there I feel. Just depends on what I’m trying to accomplish.

Good to see this community still going strong.


Being brand new to HA, I can’t quite figure out how to do this. I’ve read the instructions, but still puzzled.

To manually install, clone or download the project repository, then copy everything from custom_components/hubitat into custom_components/hubitat in the config directory of your Home Assistant install (so you’ll end up with files in <config dir>/custom_components/hubitat). Restart HA and you should be able to add the Hubitat integration in HA’s Config -> Integrations page.

Have you looked at using HACS to do the install? I found that to be easier.

If you read above, that option has disappeared. I believe Jason is working on it.

I still can’t get it. I downloaded the project from your github. Created the custom_components/hubitat directory in HA. Copied all the files therein. By the way, what is the best way to do this? I was using File Editor and had to copy them one at a time.

Restarted HA. Still don’t see it in integrations. What have I missed?

EDIT: Well I finally got it. Not sure what I did. I clicked on everything I could find. Restarted everything I could find. And it finally showed up.

Installing Samba Share should allow you to map to the HA server’s folders so you can copy normally.

Got the integration installed and configured. Currently configured devices in HE showed up just fine. Added a couple devices, can’t get them to show up. The ‘Enable newly added entities.’ is checked.

Any thoughts?

Just realized none of the devices are now working. Even the ones that worked before.