Custom Component: Hubitat

It looks like the hubitatmaker package didn’t get updated. Some quick things to check, just try to figure out what’s going on:

From a terminal on your Home Assistant instance, run pip list and see what version is shown for hubitatmaker. It should be 0.2.5 or higher.

Also from the terminal, in your HA config directory, look at custom_components/hubitat/manifest.json. It should have a line like:

  "requirements": ["hubitatmaker>=0.2.5,<0.3.0"]

If one or both of those isn’t true, HACS didn’t fully update the integration. Probably the easiest fix is to hit the “REINSTALL” link for the integration in HACS.

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If HACS will let you install the integration over an existing copy, that will probably work (I’ve never tried that myself).

Reinstall worked!

This component gets better and better every day. I’m almost to the point where I wont need to use the mqtt bridge I have setup.

I have two fan devices that are showing up as on/off switches. Based on their capabilities, would you be able to add them? Currently I have them in HA via mqtt birdge and they are configured using the ‘fan.’ domain for the entities.

Hampton Bay Zigbee Fan Controller

{"id":"37","name":"Hampton Bay Fan Component","label":"Living Room Ceiling Fan","attributes":[{"name":"level","currentValue":75,"dataType":"NUMBER"},{"name":"speed","currentValue":"off","dataType":"ENUM","values":["low","medium-low","medium","medium-high","high","on","off","auto"]},{"name":"switch","currentValue":"off","dataType":"ENUM","values":["on","off"]}],"capabilities":["Switch",{"attributes":[{"name":"switch","dataType":null}]},"SwitchLevel",{"attributes":[{"name":"level","dataType":null}]},"Refresh","Actuator","FanControl",{"attributes":[{"name":"speed","dataType":null}]}],"commands":["cycleSpeed","off","on","refresh","setLevel","setSpeed"]}

GE Z-Wave Plus Fan Control switch

{"id":"611","name":"GE Z-Wave Plus Fan Control","label":"Office Ceiling Fan","attributes":[{"name":"doubleTapped","currentValue":2,"dataType":"NUMBER"},{"name":"level","currentValue":99,"dataType":"NUMBER"},{"name":"numberOfButtons","currentValue":2,"dataType":"NUMBER"},{"name":"pushed","currentValue":1,"dataType":"NUMBER"},{"name":"speed","currentValue":"off","dataType":"ENUM","values":["low","medium-low","medium","medium-high","high","on","off","auto"]},{"name":"speed","currentValue":"off","dataType":"ENUM","values":["low","medium-low","medium","medium-high","high","on","off","auto"]},{"name":"switch","currentValue":"off","dataType":"ENUM","values":["on","off"]}],"capabilities":["Switch",{"attributes":[{"name":"switch","dataType":null}]},"Configuration","SwitchLevel",{"attributes":[{"name":"level","dataType":null}]},"Refresh","Actuator","FanControl",{"attributes":[{"name":"speed","dataType":null}]},"PushableButton",{"attributes":[{"name":"numberOfButtons","dataType":null},{"name":"pushed","dataType":null}]},"DoubleTapableButton",{"attributes":[{"name":"doubleTapped","dataType":null}]}],"commands":["configure","off","on","refresh","setLevel","setSpeed"]}

Fans are definitely doable. I’ve created for adding fan support.

So silly question time, as I haven’t tried the integration yet (have all my logic in Node-Red, but am also a HA user)… How does it handle multi-function devices?

Prime example - GE Motion Dimmer… Is a dimmer, and a motion sensor, in one device.

I’ll just try it and find out for myself sooner or later - just haven’t had much time lately.

Home Assistant has “devices”, which represent a hardware device, and “entities”, which represent some capability of a device. Entities are what you actually deal with in automations; they have state and provide commands. A device like a motion dimmer would end up with two entities in HA: a motion sensor (e.g., sensor.my_dimmer_motion) and a light (e.g., light.my_dimmer).

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Thanks. That is what I would have assumed/hoped for, but I wasn’t sure how robust the discovery and mapping process currently was.

I’ll have to find time and set it up - seems straight forward enough!

I dont have the dimmer, but I do have the regular GE Motion Switch. Works great:

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Thank you sir! I really appreciate all the work you have put into this component!

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Has anyone upgraded to Hubitat V2.1.9 using this component?
I thought somebody said there was an issue with it but I can’t find evidence of this by quickly browsing.

I have, and haven’t noticed any problems.

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Awesome, thanks!

OK. I have it installed, very impressive!!!

Two questions:

  1. Does this monitor events from Maker API? If so, do I need to setup the POST url in Maker API, or does it do it differently (polling)? EDIT: It obviously does, as changes show up in HA as expected. I guess my question really is - how does it get the updates from Hubitat?
  2. In the integration you can configure the server port. Does that need to be done (I left it at 0)? As it lists it as optional, I assume not.

EDIT: Disregard my question on lights vs dimmers. I didn’t understand what I was looking at. :confused:

HA “lights” handle dimmer functionality. Click on one of them, and you should get a popup with a slider.

The integration runs a Python-based HTTP server and points Hubitat’s POST URL at it.

Leaving the port at 0 lets the integration auto-select an open port. The option to set it is there in case you need to use a specific port for some reason.

Yup, I’m an idiot. :slight_smile: I take it 0-252 is a normal dimmer range on these devices then? No biggie, just different than 0-100 I’m used to.


Ah!!! I saw that mentioned before, but it didn’t dawn on me that you are configuring the post url remotely so that we don’t manually have to. Duh! Thanks!

Sorry, I missed the update about lights/dimmers. :smile:

HA’s range for lights is 0-255.

Got it. Since Hubitat forces it to 99% max, that would be 252. Thanks again. I’ll quit with the stupid questions for a bit. :smile:

Questions are fine. Home Assistant is a very different place than Hubitat. It took me a couple weeks of experimenting and digging through the HA source code to really understand how it works (well, to understand as much as I do). :grin:

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Last bit before I head back to work…

  1. Water Valve showed up as a switch. Not sure if there is a valve type in HA, but if there is that would be a wish list item for a future release.
  2. No fans yet (other than as switches), but I see there is already a request for that in the git
  3. For devices with custom drivers/parameters/commands, how hard is it for end users to bring those in to HA? Example - my thermostats have an attribute called “currentSensorCal” that shows the temperature calibration, and a command called “SensorCal” to set it. Would be handy to get that ion there at some point.

Thanks again! I look forward to poking around on this. For all “standard” devices, it looks like it is in GREAT shape!