Custom Component: IoTaWatt Energy Monitor integration


I don’t have to at least divide by 1,000? Here are current readings…

I have seen other comments where various forms of template sensors are used to convert the input into the utility meter integration (the integration says its input should be KwH), so I’m not sure if I have it setup correctly.


I feed my direct power sensors into the utility_meter and it calculates to kWh on it’s own.

Make sure your unit_of_measure is “W” not “Watts”

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I’ve changed the iotawatt power sensor unit_of_measure from “Watts” to “W” in configuration => customizations.

I’ll reset all the meters and see how it goes.

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I think I am missing something fundamental here or I have not got this setup properly.

I have fed the output in watts from iotawatt into the utility meter with W as the unit of measure. This is what is displayed in HA …

Here is what I am seeing in iotawatt…

As far as I can tell, both are reset at midnight, but show vastly different numbers.

Seems that your source sensors are not reporting correctly.

I relay my readings through EmonCMS (self-hosted) and all the data tabulates properly.

OK then, you’re getting an output from EmonCMS while I am getting it directly from iotawatt. My IotaWatt reports use of 2.53 kWh in its graph. My local instance of EmonCMS is reporting 2.4 (using the ‘My Electric’ app) - both based on the iotawatt sensor.

Perhaps I need to feed the utility meter from EmonCMS (using kwh?) rather than the watts directly from iotawatt.

Reading through this tread seems to suggest I need to use the sensor.integration (to convert Watt to KiloWattsHour) and feed that into utility_meter instead of using Watts from iotawatt directly.

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That’s an awesome looking dashboard you have there. Something for me to aim for.

No issue - just a quick note to say thanks to the dev(s), great addon, and great to see that it’s in HACS now. :+1:

Is there a way to manually use this if HACS doesn’t want to work?

Any thoughts on updating this to support the New Home Assistant Home Energy Management. Because I getting sensor not listed see Expected data source not listed - Home Assistant. I know the data is in the iotawatt and there are API calls to pull the information.

Yeah I was wondering about that myself. I would like to plot voltage and watts.

I see Paulus has ask Submit to Home Assistant Core #4 Submit to Home Assistant Core · Issue #4 · gtdiehl/iotawatt_ha · GitHub

Home Assistant will have a new added focus on energy management in the next release. We’re trying to get as many energy related integrations part of core.

Your integration is great. Would you want to submit it to core?


You can already get this working with the HA energy management panel. The key to the data source not listed message you’re getting is to create “integration” sensors. One of mine is shown below which allows the new energy panel to show my total power usage. You can do similar sensors for each of the channels from the iotawatt and add those as “devices” to the energy panel.

It would be nice if the integration created these sensors automatically (not sure if that is possible or not) but its totally functional with a bit of manual effort today.

  - platform: integration                                                        
    source: sensor.iotawatt_output_total_power                                   
    name: Total_energy_usage                                                     
    unit_prefix: k                                                               
    round: 2             
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How did you connect IotaWatt to EmonCMS? I can’t figure out how to add my inputs.

Here are my settings:

Thanks and how did you get them to appear in EmonCMS? I choose Inputs>New Device> but don’t know which device to choose.

Once you have the inputs in EmonCMS

click the wrench at the far right, the output them to feeds:

HA will pickup these feeds and display them as sensors:

Thank you got it working

I’m working on getting this integration added to Home Assistant without the need for HACS. Thank you to the ones that have helped in the effort so far!

I’m just having one issue that I can’t seem to fix and want to get it fixed before making the PR to add this sensor to Home Assistant. The issue is when an Input/Output is removed from the IoTaWatt interface exceptions are being thrown in the HA log.

If anyone has any insight into how to fix this I would be very greatful!
The issue is noted in Github here.
The latest code that I’m preparing for the HA inclusion is located here

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Anyone know if it’s possible to chart iotawatt values with the new statistics graph card? I don’t see the iotawatt sensor values as being available for selection in the card configuration. I would like to chart volts and power. Do we need an update?