[custom component] Medtronic Carelink Integration

Hey. I made this for my wife so she can check here glucose levels on here smartwatch. Maybe there are more people with diabetes, a medtronic pump and a running Home Assistant server in their house who would like to try it out?

All feedback is welcome. I’m a long time Home Assitant user but it’s my first custom component so I’m pretty new to the contribution game.


Thank you so much! Going to take a look at this, maybe make a custom card to display it. Been wanting to make this for a long time so thank you again!

This is fantastic!

I’d really love to get this integration up and running in my HA setup. As a type 1 diabetic for the past 43 years it would be awesome to be able to have access to my levels trhough a card. I have attemtped to install as per the instructions, but can not get past the integration log in screen in HA. I believe that this is because MFA is now compulsory on all accounts:


The code is coming to my email account from Minimed when I hit submit, but there is no way to validate this in the integration. Is this currently being looked at?

It’s a know limitation that 2FA isn’t working in this integration. For now you can use a Carelink Care Partner account where the 2FA is not mandatory yet.

The implementation of 2FA will take a lot of time I don’t have at the moment. I anyone wants to look at it I’m glad to help where I can.

I made following/partner account and got it linked to main carelink account. I logged in with newly created partner account and found the token + country code. Also added patient ID of main carelink account. Trying several times, but everytime i get “Invalid authentication” error. Any hints how to get forward? Thanks!

EDIT: Authentication was successful after data was send in, so i can confirm that this works now!

This add-on looks great! I installed the add-on, but am stuck at the login. I cannot get the login script running on my Windows pc. I know how to run python on my Rpi, but have no idea how to run it on my pc. It doesn’t run on the cli.
Any other options to obtain the codes?

In the meantime I progressed. Installed Python, the necesary packages and Firefox. Now I get the error “No module named ‘blinker._saferef’”. Google doesn’t help me out on this one.

Im currently having same problem - but did not have this problem last time i ran the script

Hey - just got this setup in US. Anyone have some cards they can share? Want to start setting up some monitoring / alerts potentially to supplement the current app

need to install blinker pip install blinker==1.7.0

first google: Wire Mode: `No module named 'blinker._saferef'` if installing `selenium-wire` alone · Issue #2782 · seleniumbase/SeleniumBase · GitHub