Custom Component: MyWaterToronto integration

I have created a custom Home Assistant integration for the City of Toronto MyWaterToronto service. This allows you to integrate your water meter reading into Home Assistant and supports the new water feature in the Home Assistant Energy dashboard available in the 2022.11.0 release.

You need to provide information from your City of Toronto utility bill.

This can be installed through HACS or manually, please see my GitHub page for more information.

[GitHub - davecpearce/hacs_mywatertoronto: This a custom component for Home Assistant. It reads water meter data from the City of Toronto MyWaterToronto service.]

It appears that the meters are only updated every 2-3 days and the values are rounded to the nearest .5 cubic meter but I still find this useful for tracking total usage over time.

If anyone is able to try let me know how it works for you. My testing is limited to a single location with a single meter so far.


This is great, will give it a try. I had started researching how to capture the meter reading from the radio transmitter connected to my meter and found your integration.

Seems this integration is no longer work working. Perhaps if you post the challenge of broken function of the API here someone can assist in figuring out how to get it updated.