Custom component: Pentair IntelliCenter integration

I am seeing the exact same thing. I first installed the integration yesterday, and I was already on Intellicenter 1.064 prior to trying the integration. The integration discovers everything just fine, but it drops the connection after 20 seconds, waits 30 seconds to reconnect and then repeats that cycle over and over.

More detail on my install from my post in the GitHub discussion yesterday:

Thank you for creating this! I’ve got it installed and it works great.

One question - is there support for Groups? I’ve got a few water features that appear as Groups under the pentair app - and I don’t see entities created for them.

Any update on moving this to be a core integration?

Very thankful for what you’ve created so far!

Does this integration allow you to change the speeds of an IntelliFlo pump?

Yes it does

But you also need the Pentair control box and the screen, inside…. Right?

Yes you need to have the IntelliCenter system in addition to the pump.

Ok. Well that nixes it. I’m looking to replace just my pump (or pump motor). Not buy an overpriced bespoke controller. I think I’ll stick with Century Green. Someone wrote an integration for that. Too bad. I found a 3HP IntelliFlow refurb in my area for $300.

Hi All - recently the integration lost connection with the pool controller and is throwing these errors. i’m seeing others in the GitHub repo saying the same. anyone else? any fixes?

Pentair Intellicenter
Firmware IC: 2.006 ICWEB:2022-10-07 2.006

Home Assistant 2023.4.6
Supervisor 2023.04.0
Operating System 10.0
Frontend 20230411.1 - latest

Pentair Integration v1.4

CONTROLLER: error 400 : {‘command’: ‘Error’, ‘messageID’: ‘d50fc862-6262-4a47-a46e-6f6fe2e9ac2c’, ‘response’: ‘400’, ‘description’: ‘ParseError: unexpected end of input’}
CONTROLLER: error 400 : {‘command’: ‘Error’, ‘messageID’: ‘00f4635b-62fd-477f-be00-d06da08572f0’, ‘response’: ‘400’, ‘description’: ‘ParseError: unexpected end of input’}
CONTROLLER: error 400 : {‘command’: ‘Error’, ‘messageID’: ‘cd7d8116-94ed-4f4d-b6e9-cfa6e3014ac6’, ‘response’: ‘400’, ‘description’: ‘ParseError: unexpected end of input in string’}
CONTROLLER: error 400 : {‘command’: ‘Error’, ‘messageID’: ‘bc8a8d20-31ca-44c4-b933-802e5cef0956’, ‘response’: ‘400’, ‘description’: “ParseError: expected value, got ‘U’ (85)”}
CONTROLLER: error 400 : {‘command’: ‘Error’, ‘messageID’: ‘0d2b5d9a-4489-4e67-a06b-5b3ea1e95c53’, ‘response’: ‘400’, ‘description’: ‘ParseError: unexpected end of input’}

Has anyone else updated their Intellicenter firmware to Firmware IC: 2.006 ICWEB:2022-10-07 2.006 and able to successfully connect? Any tweaks you made to your configuration? Thanks for the help!

This is great, thank you. Has anyone tried to link this to the gas consumption energy tracker?

I have not as a I have a heat pump, but I did create a utility meter helper for my pump wattage that shows me how much energy the pump has been using through the month.

I just installed the integration. My IntelliCenter is still on Firmware: IC: 1.064 , ICWEB:2021-10-19 1.007.
No issues whatsoever. Very happy and based on your queries, will probably stay on 1.064. :expressionless: