Custom Component: Readme

Use Jinja and data from Home Assistant to generate your file


Generate a file in your configuration dir with Jinja templates!
With this, you can use data from Home Assistant to generate the file in your configuration directory, this can be helpful if you are one of the folks that share their awesome configuration on GitHub.

As an added bonus this can convert your Lovelace configuration if you use the UI to configure Lovelace by parsing creating a shareable/readable ui-lovelace.yaml file.


I want to share information about my setup, I could manually run templates in the template editor and copy the result to the readme file, but this is Home Assistant and itā€™s all about automation right?

The repository for this lives on GitHub :heart:


If When you experience issues/bugs with this the best way to report them is to open an issue in the repository, GitHub is AWESOME for tracking/searching issues.

So again, since this is kinda important, If when you experience issues/bugs with this, post them to GitHub, not here.

Issues posted in a forum thread is really, really, really hard to track/follow :slight_smile:
The same goes for feature requests.

Your templates

If you create an awesome README with the help of this, please share a link to it in this thread so others can get inspiration :heart_eyes:


I can start out this thread be presenting my own usage :sunglasses: :

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hey @ludeeus, thanks for your work here! I think this is an underrated custom component and Iā€™ve used it to generate a cool readme for my github repo.

is there a way with jinja2 templates to create a list of the official integrations in addition to listing the custom components? I see that the frontend creates a list [Developers on the side bar -> click Info at the top -> Scroll down to Integrations] and Iā€™m wondering if this can be captured using jinja2 templates somehow.

Please let me know if I should log something on GitHub instead!

please use Github

Great integration. Can I generate files other than from this integration?

I came across this great custom component today as an addition to my Home Assistant setup. I think it could be quite useful for my documentation of the setup. Thanks @ludeeus. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m just wondering who is already using this custom component to create their README files and if they could share their templates? Unfortunately there are no further examples here in the thread yet. :frowning:

I started ā€œcopied with prideā€ with a config based on an example from ludeus himself. :wink:

Here is my template: homeassistant/templates/README.j2 at main Ā· CM000n/homeassistant Ā· GitHub
And here is the resulting README: homeassistant/ at main Ā· CM000n/homeassistant Ā· GitHub