Custom Component: SkyQ Media Player

Did it ever work before? Is there any more in the stack trace?

It has worked in previous versions.
Not sure if this has anything to do with it:
The websocket command media_player_thumbnail is deprecated. Use /api/media_player_proxy instead.

After installing new integration i get these errors:

2020-03-28 19:22:47 ERROR (SyncWorker_14) [custom_components.skyq.skyq.sky_remote] 
2020-03-28 19:22:57 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.skyq.skyq.sky_remote] 
2020-03-28 19:23:08 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [custom_components.skyq.skyq.sky_remote] 
2020-03-28 19:23:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_9) [custom_components.skyq.skyq.sky_remote] 

and the errors grow as minutes passed…

Hi Harry - I suggest you go back to your old version then. As I noted before, I don’t really have the experience or time to provide full on support. If you have anything more in your logs to go on I can take a look, but I’m afraid what you have so far isn’t enough.

That said, the problem isn’t to do with the media player thumbnail deprecation, I get that error as well. I’ve not bothered to track it down because I don’t believe the problem come from SkyQ component itself.

I’d suggest going back to the old version

The syncworker issues seem to just be something that certain components get by the looks of it:

I wonder if it’s possible to exclude these?

I’ve added some more exception handling, to better help diagnose issues, into my dev branch. Checking it out overnight because I know connections fail when SkyQ box goes to sleep overnight, and want to make sure I’m not generating exceptions when that happens.

To help those who want to give my code a go, and to help diagnose issues, I have added more exception handling and a limited set of debug messages where an exception would cause problems, but the situation is unusual.

I had a look at this issue last night, pretty sure it is caused by mini media player. If I use my Sonos entity in MMP I get the same warning, and if I use SkyQ in the core media control I don’t get the error.

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@RogTP the ability to show artwork for live shows is genius! Thanks for adding that in :slight_smile:

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Are you using the integration from @RogTP ? If yes, are you getting errors like the ones reported before?

Yeah I’ve just updated my components to the one from @RogTP

Where are you seeing these errors? Is it when you do something in particular or just random?

I see those errors also doing nothing… they begun to populate my log as i restarted HA after switching to the new integration. Are you using mini media player or media control card?

I am using MMP with all my media players (chromecast, google home, alexa and sonos) and did not see those errors since i switched to your integration.

I’ve just had a quick look and I can’t see any errors pointing towards this new SkyQ component…

I’m just using the standard media-player control card too

If the integration is working but the warnings worry you then I think you have two choices. Stop using MMP - I like it so I didn’t do this. Or hide them in the log which you can do with the following in your config - I did do this:-

  default: warning # This is what I use, your needs may vary
    homeassistant.components.media_player: error

Ok thanks… i’ll try it, but maybe could it be possible to cooperate with @kalkih to solve all ?

@maurizio53 - the problem that can be hidden with the log settings I suggested is warnings with regards ‘media_player_thumbnail’ being deprecated. I’m not sure if that is the error you are referring to.

I’ve just looked at the MMP code and can see at line 202 of model.js it is making that call, so I guess that needs to be changed. Maybe @kalkih can take a look.

If it is your other errors, then please give my code base that was updated overnight a go. It should hopefully give more meaningful errors. If you can post them I will endeavour to take a look.

No promises… I only have my SkyQ/SkyQ Mini to work from and I’m sure there are different variants out there with different software versions on them which work in different ways. I note that the owner of a different version of a SkyQ integration gave up due to content change from Sky.

The only errors i have seen are these:

2020-03-28 19:22:47 ERROR (SyncWorker_14) [custom_components.skyq.skyq.sky_remote]
2020-03-28 19:22:57 ERROR (SyncWorker_5) [custom_components.skyq.skyq.sky_remote]
2020-03-28 19:23:08 ERROR (SyncWorker_18) [custom_components.skyq.skyq.sky_remote]
2020-03-28 19:23:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_9) [custom_components.skyq.skyq.sky_remote]

Tomorrow i’ll try again your code with the logger set as you advice me and let you know…

As I noted The logger settings won’t hide those errors, they are for suppressing the deprecation warnings.

Is it working at all?