Custom Component: SkyQ Media Player

Yes, i know, but it seems your integration is more reliable than the original, also if i cannot see logos and artwork.

OK. I can add functionality to disable the live programme checking so it doesn’t error. Busy tomorrow, so maybe Friday.

hey i am Tinni and i am completely new to home assistant but ive managed to add all my devices so far and trying to learn as much as i can but i am now stuck with this i have got the sky component running and working fine but i just can not figure out how to get the remote side of this i have gone over and over this thread but no idea i was hoping someone could point me in the right direction any help would be much appreciated

looking to do something similar to this one

Hi @tinni88, welcome. Where are you stuck? To configure the remote like you are showing you need to install mini media player, (you can find a link a few posts above), then configure it your Lovelace configuration (you can find some sample further up the thread).

Hi @RogTP thank you. I have all my cards running custom mini player card. Been using yaml mode to edit things and I’ve copied a few of the config’s above in to my Lovelace config’s editting them to match my setup but no matter what I do nothing seem to change in the UI and nothing in logs so I’m lost :thinking: I did have one configuration that popped up with a error in logs but I’m out at the moment so couldn’t tell you what it was but will post it up when I get back thanks for your reply​:+1:

This is what I use to generate mine

artwork: cover
entity: media_player.sky_q
  power_state: false
  source: true
  volume: true
icon: 'mdi:satellite-uplink'
info: scroll
name: SkyQ
    - icon: 'mdi:chevron-up'
      id: CHup
      type: source
    - icon: 'mdi:chevron-down'
      id: CHdn
      type: source
    - icon: 'mdi:record-rec'
      id: Record
      type: source
    - icon: null
      id: Sky
      name: Sky
      type: source
    - icon: null
      id: TVGuide
      name: Guide
      type: source
    - icon: 'mdi:home-outline'
      id: Home
      type: source
    - icon: 'mdi:menu-open'
      id: Sidebar
      type: source
    - icon: 'mdi:keyboard-return'
      id: Dismiss
      type: source
    - icon: 'mdi:information-variant'
      id: I
      type: source
    - icon: 'mdi:arrow-right-thick'
      id: Right
      type: source
    - icon: 'mdi:arrow-left-thick'
      id: Left
      type: source
    - icon: 'mdi:arrow-up-thick'
      id: Up
      type: source
    - icon: 'mdi:arrow-down-thick'
      id: Down
      type: source
    - icon: null
      id: Select
      name: Select
      type: source
    - icon: null
      name: null
    - icon: null
    - icon: null
    - icon: null
  columns: 6
  hide_when_off: true
type: 'custom:mini-media-player'

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that looks fantastic roger, i have just copied your config to mine changing to my entity and i get the error i was talking about in the log
Logger: frontend.js.latest.202003181
Source: components/system_log/
First occurred: 5:11:13 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 5:11:13 PM

lovelace/default_view:0:0 ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded

but also only two of my cards stay on the dashboard im guessing it is something to do with oversized but not sure how

Sorry, no idea on that error. Not seen it before.

No idea either but thanks for your help Roger i will continue playing around later when I get home thanks again

@RogTP i have just got home and had another look at the log and that error was not to do with the skyq component it was something to do with alexa :see_no_evil: but the error i am getting is

Logger: custom_components.skyq.skyq.sky_remote
Source: custom_components/skyq/skyq/
First occurred: 7:00:07 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:00:18 PM

X0030 - Error occurred: 'programmeuuid'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/skyq/skyq/", line 207, in _getCurrentLiveTVProgramme
    result.update({'programmeuuid': programme['programmeuuid']})
KeyError: 'programmeuuid' 

any ideas?

Sent you a PM

What is this related too? I see the same in logs

I’ve posted a new version in my dev branch that should remove this problem. I’m still testing another issue so should promote to master tomorrow.

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Please let me know when i can try again your integration related to my problems…

I have posted a new version to my Dev branch which adds a switch ‘get_live_tv’ which you need to set to False in your configuration to stop it failing trying to retrieve live programme info, which it will fail on for your region.

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I’ve spent a fair amount of time over the last few days looking for where I can get EPG and logos for outside the UK, to see if there is a way I can add extra capability. I’m doing this through research and looking at traffic from the Sky Go app.

Problem is the only set of full size channel logos I can find are for UK. I can find the set of icons that show at bottom left of the channel on listings, but these are set to take up the bottom left of the .png I could access, and therefore wouldn’t fill the background.

In terms of EPG, the only info I can find is from which I think only has UK schedules. This I can see is being requested when the sky go app is loaded. Now if someone can do the same (using fiddler or the like) for another region, I may get a clue if there is any commonality across countries.

I don’t intend to go back to using for listing data, because that is scraped and to be honest meant I had to fudge certain items. Also awk holds the programmeuuid that enables the pulling of the right graphic for live programmes from Sky.

It seems older boxes might have an API for getting schedule data direct from the box, but I can’t find it on my own box. So if anyone has any clues on where to get proper logos and EPG, I’ll take a look.

This is now nearly perfect for me.
I now get live channel, programs and cover art for my 2tb box and my mini, I also get the apps to show up (no cover art for apps? Not sure if it’s supposed to do that or not)

My only issue is that neither box shows the correct programs, it’s shows the correct channel but doesn’t always update the program or shows the previous or next one.

Anyone have any idea how to help with this one?

Check your home assistant is set to the right time zone maybe? Not sure though. Mine appears to sync up ok (well, hard to tell with cbeebies as they have those little 5minute ‘bits’ between programs-and given the lockdown it’s either cbeebies or BBC news that is on!)

To be honest the way it identifies the current programme is by comparing current time to time in the schedule. So your system will need to be reporting the correct time. Unfortunately as yet I’ve not been able to find anything the box reports on what the current programme is, it only tells me which channel it is on at the current time. So if the channel is on pause, it will report the wrong information.

As far as I can see none of the sky applications retrieve current position on the box, they all look at recordings and the like but not current programme.

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Ahhhh of course, we probably mangle the time lines ourselves by pausing!