Custom Component: SkyQ Media Player

I’ve been searching for ways to do better, but really can’t see how, it just looks like the information isn’t available off box.

I think you may have identified an issue. It doesn’t take account of DST. I’ll look at fixing now…

I’ve pushed a new version to master with added UTC…

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You guys are 100% correct, my time zone was wrong so was showing the time was an hour out. Fixed the time zone and now it’s correct.

Would it be possible when we’re watching through an app to just show the default app logo banner?

I also get an error when I try to use the shortcut buttons posted earlier?

Failed to call service media_player/select_source.
‘NoneType’ Object has no attribute ‘split’

It’s probably my fault for blindly coping code but any help would be appreciated.

I’m not sure whether the logos are provided anywhere by Sky. To be honest I’m not sure if I want to start including data sources that aren’t driven by Sky because there are likely to fall out of sync. In the most part the integration is unaware of what app is running, it is just passing through a name.

I’ll have a look at the buttons, to be honest I haven’t changed that code and never use the buttons anyway so I’ve never check they work.

Do you know what wasn’t working?

Maybe a local image would work? That way if the channel says Netflix it points it to the custom_componet/skyq/Netflix.png file and so on for Disney+ and YouTube. Don’t know about anyone else but I only really use those 3.

As far as I can tell, every button gives the same error on both my boxes. For me at least, are the buttons responding to the component or are they supposed bro link to something else which maybe I don’t have?

Did you include the button sources in your configuration? I have the below for my sky q media players. They work fine, but not sure what Sidebar does…

- platform:  skyq
  name: Sky Q Mini
  host: !secret skyqmini_host
      BBCOne: '1,1,5'
      BBCTwo: '1,0,2'
      SkyAtlantic: '1,0,8'
      SkyOne: '1,0,6'
      SkyNews: '5,0,1'
      SkyF1: '4,0,6'
      CHup: 'channelup'                                                         #added
      CHdn: 'channeldown'                                                       #added
      Select: 'select'                                                          #added
      Up: 'up'                                                                  #added
      Down: 'down'                                                              #added
      Left: 'left'                                                              #added
      Right: 'right'                                                            #added
      I: 'i'                                                                    #added
      Dismiss: 'dismiss'                                                        #added
      Sidebar: 'Sidebar'                                                        #added
      Home: 'home'                                                              #added
      TVGuide: 'tvguide'                                                        #added
      Sky: 'sky'                                                                     #added
      Record: 'record'                                                          #added

The use of local Image for the Netflix and Disney+ and other apps would be good as everything else for me is working perfectly now after the help from @RogTP but as soon as you load Netflix or Disney+ the artwork falls back to my background image e.g

Netflix app

live data

@tinni88 - what integration is that TV? I’d like to try and see where they are serving the images from. I don’t believe it will work from the custom_components directory (but I could well be wrong), because that isn’t available to Lovelace to display from.

The integration is the skyq component
the top image (netflix app) sky IMG being feed from background-> URL

Then the live data one is artwork: cover

if that makes sense I’m still learning
This is my third day on home assistant :rofl:

I meant the one for the TV showing XBOX. I want to take a look at that and see where the images are being served from. :grinning:

Haha sorry that’s the Xbox one smartglass media player via hacs & Xbox one smartglass rest server via supervisor and again the IMG is fed by background -> URL I couldn’t find much about getting the images from the console but like I said I’m new still learning lol I still can’t get the buttons programmed on that card as from what I have been reading Microsoft switched off the source control for smartglass app (might be wrong)

That will be it, haven’t got that bit set up, thanks, I’m sure that will work great now.

You could something like /config/www/skyq for the app images? That would be available to Lovelace as /local/skyq?

Then you could include a www folder in the zip with the images that would merge with the existing folder when it’s extractes?

Looks like that is getting pulled from the REST server

That’s what I’m chewing over…

Ok so I’m still struggling with having the correct time showing up, as far as I can see my server is showing local time correct and the docker container running home assistant is showing the right time but the media player is showing the next show, I don’t know how that can be right?

Did you install the new version I posted this morning, because yesterdays had bug in it that made it an hour out because I hadn’t allowed for DST?

I’ve also posted a new version to my dev branch. Put the images from the images folder into www/community/skyq. Let me know how that goes.

You mean into /config/custom_components_skyq or /config/www/community/skyq ?
In the second option we must create the folder skyq?

EDIT: after latest release i get this error:

2020-04-04 16:52:12 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [media_player.skyq]: [get_live_tv] is an invalid option for [media_player.skyq]. Check: media_player.skyq->get_live_tv. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 448)

My config says:

  - platform: skyq
    name: SkyQ
    get_live_tv: false
    room: salotto
    config_directory: '/config/'

It looks like you haven’t downloaded the latest master branch code. You need the updated as well as

I downloaded from the dev branch…
And about the images?