Custom Component: SkyQ Media Player

Cover art is working ok now on the SkyQ media player
But when I use it within a universal player. There is no art.
Is this a bug with the SkyQ player or the universal player ?
How do I debug?


Would be great if we could get this component available on HACS. Also, which repo shall we use @MadmanMonty or OP? thanks

Have bee seeing similar behaviour.

Just to advise I am not seeing the “now playing” channel information on the media player. Also I can pause the tv using mini media player but the pause logo then doesn’t change to the play logo to restart.

This is brilliant :slight_smile:

Is there anyway to call the apps, for example YouTube and Netflix?

When you press the mic button and say “Netflix” it opens right away, there must be a way to call it?

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I also noticed this but didn’t think too much of it and all of a sudden it started working and now it’s stopped again?

How to see the artwork of the channel (when playing a recording transmission)?

Has the component stopped working for anyone else? I’m using @MadmanMonty repo.

No longer getting art work media player all of a sudden

I ran config check before updating to the latest version and noticed this:

Any idea what it means?

In the last days too often i noticed that the fixed IP i put for the skyq decoder is changing without any reason… I fixed the IP in my router but it changes frequently so i am forced to change the configuration and restart HA. Is anybody else having this issue? Is it depending from the decoder or from the router? Hints?

Thank you for the component
Everything’s fine.

I just got this alarm in the log:
Template switch ‘skyq_skytg24sala’ has no entity ids configured to track nor were we able to extract the entities to track from the value template(s). This entity will only be able to be updated manually.

Is there a way to solve it?
Thank you


I’m getting this error in the log.
Is this a SkyQ component issue?
I’ve restarted multiple times, but it doesn’t fix it ?

media_player.lounge_skytv: Sources out of sync. Restart Home Assistant


art work working for you in media player?

I’m not using any artwork

Has this stopped working for anyone else today?
Doesn’t seem like an update has caused it because it was working fine and then just stopped in the middle of the day when the main box was on and being used?
The mini box still shows a channel but it’s not updating and the main box shows playing no matter what it’s doing?

I have your same problem.
Have you found a solution?

How does one add an additional sky q box that’s in another room?

You need to get it’s IP address from your router, then add it the same as the first.


I’ve got the IP etc.

Can you show me an example of the configuration.yaml with two devices added?

I’m getting Duplicate name mapping errors
