Custom component: Switcher API

Switcher API


Integration with Switcher API. Creates the following components:

  • Sensors - Power Consumption and Electric Current.
  • Switch - Main and per schedule


How to


Installations via HACS

Add custom repository

Look for “Switcher API” and install

Integration settings

Basic configuration (Configuration -> Integrations -> Add Switcher)
Fields name Type Required Default Description
Host Textbox + None Hostname or IP address of the Switcher API
Post Textbox + 8000 Port of the Switcher API
SSL Checkbox + False Whether the Switcher API is using SSL (HTTPS) or not
Integration options (Configuration -> Integrations -> Switcher Integration -> Options)
Fields name Type Required Default Description
Log level Drop-down + Default Changes component’s log level (more details below)
Auto off interval Textbox + According to Switcher Device Changes the auto-off interval (between 01:00:00 to 03:00:00)

Integration’s title Initial title will be Switcher , once changing the name, it will rename the device name as well

Log Level’s drop-down New feature to set the log level for the component without need to set log_level in customization: and restart or call manually logger.set_level and loose it after restart.

Upon startup or integration’s option update, based on the value chosen, the component will make a service call to logger.set_level for that component with the desired value,

In case Default option is chosen, flow will skip calling the service, after changing from any other option to Default , it will not take place automatically, only after restart

Configuration errors

####### Setup new integration

  • Switcher API is already configured
  • Invalid Switcher API details

####### Edit options

  • Auto-off interval below minimum, must be between 01:00:00 to 03:00:00 minutes
  • Auto-off interval above maximum, must be between 01:00:00 to 03:00:00 minutes