Ah so that’s what these were: “MyMotionDetectorRule Cell Motion Detection”
I had disabled them as they stayed on (indicating motion detected) indefinately.
And now that im checking the new sensors (the ones from the tapo component), they also stay on indefinately.
Any ideas as to how to troubleshoot? Lower the sensitivity perhaps?
See the troubleshooting section in readme, play with sensitivity, make sure the camera is set up correctly etc. I am not sure what could be causing this. If you figure it out please let us know!
And is it possible to make a service for setting the alarm on or off?
I want the motion detection always on but would like to turn off the alarm when i am at home.
@JurajNyiri can answer this question. @JurajNyiri, is it possible to do with the current videostream? Or is the new feature what you planned was the snapshot?
@radek-foltyn I’m not so hot on buttons but the first thing I’d try is changing the path to the media directory which is available by default in HA (115 onwards I think) e.g.
Another approach is to create the snapshot via a script, that way you can reuse it if needs be.
Here’s a quick example based on my camera name:
alias: Front Door Camera Snapshot
- service: camera.snapshot
filename: /media/frontdoorsnapshot_{{ now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") }}.jpg
entity_id: camera.front_door_hd
mode: single
Then you can created a button that calls the script.
I’m still learning so can’t really say what exactly but I would suggest its something to do with the YAML structure/format - especially if the script works. I’ll try and have a look later though. hopefully someone else will come along with more experience than me
The above works for me. You get a live feed as the picture and clicking will take a snapshot. All I’ve done thats different from my working code is change the camera name to your cameras name so this should work.
Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: setup.py:138
First occurred: 6:30:45 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 6:30:45 PM
Setup failed for tapo_control: Unable to import component: cannot import name ‘ONVIFAuthError’ from ‘onvif.exceptions’ (/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/onvif/exceptions.py)