[Custom Component] Tapo: Cameras Control

Hi all, would it possible to add a sensor for WiFi signal strength related to Tapo cameras?
I suspect WiFi is not stable in my home network and one camera could be too far from the AP, but I’d like to see some data to verify it. I see WiFi signal strength in the Tapo app, so I’m wondering if this data can be retrieved and historically tracked in HA.
Thanks in advance.

Hi, please open new feature request on GitHub.

As im not aware of whether you use some kind of integration for your Router , this is just a Hint !
Some Router integrations provide Trackers , with Attributes such as RSSI or Signal-Strength

I Use AsusRouter , and pick my signals for All Device through that , Using Battery.State Card , regardless what individual Devices or Integrations serves , Some Device actually don’t provide any , some use different measurements-units, but a Router Provides the same for All.
However , the signal for my 5 Tapo-Cams can variate between i.e -36dBm to -74dBm ( cording to my Router, i.e same measurement-units, for all devices ), Depending upon how far and where the Cams are , but i don’t notice specific difference , in lack or instability between the ones with best signal-strength , 1st floor , best signal , and the ones in basement , lowest signal ( meaning highest ) :slightly_smiling_face: , but sure it could contribute to troubleshooting , if one makes graphs to monitoring i.e Fluctuations , depending upon use-case etc. i.e when Washing machine in basement spins rapidly, or i turn on tv , microwave oven etc.
Well , as i haven’t had any reasons, yet, i didn’t even have to try to i.e move a Cam , which i suspected was to far , or thinking about what else could interfere , and cause an unstable Wifi

Thank you so much. It worked. But

  1. Audio is not recorded.
  2. The video recording starts a litlle late after the motion is detected.

I am using Tplink tapo c200.

Am i doing sometging wrong?

Beside asking non-related question in this Topic, you ask same question in 2 different Topics

Im not being rude, but please try to avoid Spamming the Forum, and keep your questions in 1 and same, in this case in the topic of the Blueprint you seems to have chosen to use for recording

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Audio question is answered in faq in readme.
Delay is answered in official docs of the service you are using.
You should also use a proper NVR for this, ha is not an nvr and is a not a good choice for this.

Thanks JuraiNyiri, I opened a feature request.

Thank you, it is now available in Release 5.4.14 · JurajNyiri/HomeAssistant-Tapo-Control · GitHub .


I lost tapo cell motion detection, is it normal?


Thanks so much for this integration. Absolute pleasure to use!

I stumbled upon it while trying to find a workaround to get Synology SS to record the camera stream when the camera is triggered by Person “AI” detection, which SSS couldn’t do because the camera only sends ONVIF events when the regular motion detection is triggered.

Managed to do it with a combination of the sensor.camera_disk_1_record_free_duration (which apparently updates every few seconds while the camera is recording to the SD card) and a webhook setup in SSS. It’s ugly but it seems to work. Is there a better way to do this?

  - alias: Start SSS recording
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.garage_disk_1_record_free_duration
      - service: rest_command.start_recording_garage

  - alias: Stopp SSS recording
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.garage_disk_1_record_free_duration
        for: '00:00:30'
      - service: rest_command.stop_recording_garage

    url: "<<webhook url>>"
    url: "<<webhook url>>"


I can get the HD and SD stream on my dashboard, but the feed updates only like each 10 seconds instead of continuous feed. Normal? is there a workaround I missed?

Im running HAOS in VM (Proxmox)

check / mark the live-stream option, beside it might also be relevant in which card you run it

Thanks but where do I find the live stream option? I have searched in al its options and the configure menu, can only find below options:

check your card, or where do you see / have your view-issue ?

Alright, thanks for sharing your screenshots. I created a new card for it in the dashboard as you have it (picture entity). Then I could choose camera source then live. Now its good. Only thing is that the feed is 3s delayed but I can live with that. Thanks once again.

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ok, yeah there can be small delay, depending upon if it’s wired or wifi, if wifi it’s therefore best if it’s not to far from your Router.
I have currently have 5 cams running through this integration, 3 on 1st floor and (2) in basement
However the cam in the basement have the weakest wifi signal, but the best/closets sync to my laptop clock

Use webrtc custom card/integration for instant feed

(edit - had an error but fixed it)

Using the tplink tapo integration, getting an error since updating to 2024.3.0. Somebody has/had the same?

Seems like you got alot other “connection” errors, to various integrations etc.
So i suspect, it’s “another” example of Python 3.12 issue,
I don’t get the exact same error, but a lot for i-e a cam i have turned of, beside another integration/device, which have never ever caused any .py errors