[Custom Component] Tapo: Cameras Control

This is a custom integration, not core integration so this is wrong place for the issue. Also it has been fixed long before 2023.3, update.

This needs to be closed.

Hi, first of all thank you for your hard work. Awesome integration, really useful indeed.

I have one small issue, thought i might check with people around here instead of git, with the recordings, it seems that integration does not find the recordings on the SD card. And it seems that it stays like this the whole time, this and idle.

I have checked on the phone app, and the recordings are indeed there. Just not synchronizing, this is the config for the sync, and the timeline.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Replying to myself, because the issue seems to have been solved. It is was the tried and tested issue of adding the correct permissions to the folder on my external storage.

I`m trying out some Tapo cameras with HA, and used the ONVIF integration before which seems to work ok for most part, but over the weekend I got a C320 and it would not trigger motion, just constantly said detected… So I switched just that camera to the this custom integration and it seems to work just fine, motion shows up and all… SO thank you so much for this integration ! Seems to be better and faster then regular ONVIF

My question is about person detection and it triggering in HA. I tried doing some tests and camera sees me first and detects me as a person with out triggering motion first. This doesnt seem to show up in HA. Is this the way its meant to work ? The person detection does not show anything in HA only motion detection ? This Camera is outside and looks at a pretty big area, so motion is not always triggered, but it does seem to catch faces even from very far away, and I wanted to use that for some automations.


Yes , the reason it’s not mention in the docs, but only in a few commends here, is because it’s not currently a feature.

I believe face-recognition is “similar”, but far from a person detection Person-Detection feature

PS: Motion detection can be very “sensitive”, so maybe it just “caught you blinking, or a shade/shadow, triggered a motion” :slight_smile:

first thanks for the job !
is there a way to completely turn off the video streams inside the integration ? i use go2rtc/frigate for video/audio treatment, and finally only use the integration to enable/disable privacy or tracking. with the video stream inside the integration i got twice of them in HA, with the frigate/go2rtc ones

Hi, disable camera entities.

ok but does it suppress the connexion to the video flux of the camera ? or is it simply not shown in HA ?

It no longer connects to rtsp stream if disabled.

Hello everyone! Is it possible to control the camera using webhook triggers? Could someone share an example and how the link looks like for enabling or disabling the private mode on the Tapo C225 camera? Thank you!

Its very far to see me blinking, its catching the person detection, which would be very helpful. But I guess you answered my question its not a feature (hopefully yet :slight_smile: )

I never managed to get the issue resolved, but I did find a potential pointer to what the issue was.
In the TAPO camera setup guide it tells how you setup a user for RTSP streaming. On the TAPO website I found that TAPO cameras can only accept one connection to the RTSP stream. So, with frigate already configured to use that stream, this component couldn’t connect as a second user for the stream. I disabled frigate and this component connected, but frigate couldn’t for the single user issue. That’s the point where I gave up. Frigate is more important to me.
Maybe other users can connect multiple users? I certainly couldn’t.

This is explained in more detail in FAQ.

You can (should) use webrtc along with this integration and then pass the go2rtc stream links to frigate (or anything else) for near instantaneous streams, working audio, and unlimited restreams.

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Hi all!
I am getting an error while trying to configure the integration:

Config flow could not be loaded: 500 Internal Server Error Server got itself in trouble

I am using Core 2024.4.0 and Frontend 20240403.1; Inside a docker container through CasaOS.

I posted the logs here the other day.

Any idea what to look into to fix this?

In the meantime I got them working through Frigate but being able to control them (PTZ) would be appreciated.


Hello, first of all thank you for providing Tapo: Cameras Control, I’m so glad I can use this. :slight_smile:

I have two Tapo TC60 in use and until last night they worked perfectly with TCC. Last night one camera suddenly lost the motion sensors, the other kept working fine. This morning the second camera lost them as well.

I checked the FAQ and tried all the things there, please find what I did in line:

  • Motion sensor is added only after a motion is detected for the first time. → Did this every time I changed or tried something
  • Make sure the camera has motion detection turned on → It is on.
  • Make sure the camera has privacy mode turned off → It is off.
  • Make sure the camera can see you and your movement → Stream works perfectly, via HA and via VLC Player.
  • If you have webhooks enabled, and your Home Assistant internal URL is reachable on HTTP, make sure camera can reach it. → I do not have webhooks enabled.
  • Make sure you have correct IP set for Home Assistant. Turn on Advanced Mode under /profile. Go to /config/network and under Network Adapter verify correct IP is shown for the device. DO NOT USE HTTPS. → IP is correct
  • Certain camera firmwares have pullpoint broken, with only webhooks working. If you are not able to run webhooks because of above (https, or vlan setup), binary sensor will never show up. → Should not apply since it already worked perfectly for some time.
  • Try walking in front of the camera → Did this every time I changed something.
  • If above didn’t work, restart the camera and try again → Restarted the camera multiple times, also reset it and integrated it into HA again.
  • binary sensor is not disabled via entity, check .storage/core.entity_registry for disabled entities, look for “disabled_by”: “user” on platform “tapo_control”. If it is, remove the whole entity or change to “disabled_by”: null, and restart HASS. → grepped it, there is not a single entry in that file where disabled_by is not null.
  • binary sensor is enabled in tapo integration options → it’s enabled
  • onvif port 2020 on camera is opened → It’s open according to a nmap scan

I also removed the camera, reset it and reintegrated it, but to no avail.
I think this might be due to an automatic firmware update which is not yet compatible to Tapo: Cameras Control and that’s also why I am posting here, anyone else got this problem? The FW is 1.3.11 Build 231121 Rel.39414n(4555)

If not, what can I do? After all it worked perfectly in quite some automations and then just stopped working. I did not change any configuration in Home Assistant that day.

Thanks and best regards

And did you checked in Setting/Devices# entities, Whether the “Entity” in fact was still there ?
Could it be that it was in the UI you saw it was “Unavailable” ?

Please check this above

Yes , however still not figured out whether it’s a “problem” nor what “causes” it

I Have experienced ( Looking/Checking in the UI Integration Page ) for both Motion and Noise, they showed as unavailable ( at random time, not the same time for both thou )
How ever the “Entities was infact there” ( Look under entities ! )

Few hours later or next day, they were there “Clear” again in the UI, i didn’t do anything, beside i might have “crossed the line/walking by” , most important, i didn’t start to reset, change settings etc. frenetically. ( I might have restarted after latest OS, Core update ! )

And as You don’t provide any logs, and btw don’t tell whether the mentioned FW is the same on both, i wouldn’t/can’t come to the conclusion that it is a FW issue

So i suggest you 1. Make sure you are on latest HA Versions, 2. Set up the Cam and make sure the motion/noice Entity is there !, after enabled/and Motion detected ( Check in Settings#Device And in #Entities ! )
Then leave it alone !, If you keep removing, installing, changing frenetic , you’ll never come to a "structured conclusion "
And if it shows “Unavailable” again, first thing, try to trigger the motion(walking by), then check the LOGS( LogBook & CORE -Log ), First to verify whether it’s been triggered or have Errors

EDIT: Btw what is TCC ? , And Why not enable WebHook ?

Thanks for your answer!

The firmware is the same on both devices. Triggering the motion sensor multiple times was in fact the first thing I tried before doing anything else, the camera is used for providing a night light (with a LED strip) for my children when they leave their rooms at night and I noticed that something is wrong since the automation would not work anymore. So this was tried first and it was given about 12h to spontaneously fix itself.

I’ll give it some time and another HA reboot and report back tomorrow. My HA is the latest available container from the Unraid docker “store”.

Edit: TCC was me being lazy and not wanting to write Tapo: Cameras Control :slight_smile:
Why should I enable webhook? I didn’t check it out, because everything worked the way it was.

Why not ?

[Custom Component] Tapo: Cameras Control - #819 by JurajNyiri.

Firstly, thank you for following FAQ and providing detailed steps you have taken!

Certain camera firmwares have pullpoint broken, with only webhooks working. If you are not able to run webhooks because of above (https, or vlan setup), binary sensor will never show up. → Should not apply since it already worked perfectly for some time.

Firmware was updated, therefore it applies and if it worked before is irrelevant.

You need to ensure webhooks connection works or downgrade firmware.

Because it usually pays off, if a system already runs, to not enable as much additional protocols/features/addons as possible. :slight_smile:

Thanks, I understood that wrong. Due to your post I checked the FAQ and found the explanation on webhooks and this is of course a good reason to enable communication with it. I’ll try to get this to work and then disable automatic firmware updates so I do not lose motion detection while I am on a two week holidays. :sweat_smile:

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