[Custom Component] Tapo P100 Integration

Home Assistant Tapo P100 Integration

This is a custom integration for tapo p100 plugs. I have created this for my personal use, but I’ve decided to publish it. Is based on the work of @K4CZP3R.

I’ve tested it before publishing and the control of p100 plug it’s stable. I’ve scheduled to add some additional features allowing control of any other tapo’s device, like bulbs.

Next improvements (TODO)

  • [ ] add support for tapo light bulb
  • [ ] allow configuration from home assistant UI with config flow
  • [ ] improve it using pure async home assistant’s method

Any contributions are welcome.

This is the link to the repository: https://github.com/petretiandrea/home-assistant-tapo-p100.

Additionally, I’ve published a forked PyPI package based on 4CZP3R work as a library that provides stable control. More info is available to the repository.

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Thanks for sharing your work.
I’m using it right now and it works perfectly.
I’ve recently purchased a second unit of the Tapo P100 plug, but I can’t find a way to add more than one plug.
Made a “workaround” by adding the second plug manually into the config.yaml and i can control the plug state, but this way i have missed the overheat and signal sensors which I have on the one added via the UI initial setup of the integration.
Is there a way to add the two plugs and have all the sensors ?

Hi and thanks for your contribution!

I just installed the integration and it picked up my L530 bulb right away. However I see no option to change colour or even white light temperature. Am I missing something or are those not available to begin with?

I know it says “support for tapo light bulb with or without color” in the features section on Github, but I am not entirely sure about what it means :sweat_smile: