[Custom Component] Tapo P100 Plug Control

I suggest you to use home-assistant in a docker container instead of using snap.


What’s IP address have you insert? The IP address of your plug must be static or the router can change it (setup it from router)

EDIT: Are the credentials the same used in TPlink tapo app?

To answer your question yes I have the same credentials as login for tapo app and IP reserved screenshot from router settings

But I am facing 2 issues:

1- Cant find Tapo in the integration as mentioned above
2- Is errors with the credentials error log from home assistant

Hi @pedro96,
I fixed it apparently my password was more than 8 characters long and it shouldn’t be… may you please edit your main post… thanks tho <3

What cards are people using in Lovelace to get RGB control?

I can see from the log that tapo_p100_control is not my integration. I think that you are using the version of fishbigger. This is my version GitHub - petretiandrea/home-assistant-tapo-p100: A custom integration to control Tapo devices from home assistant. which provide a user interface to setup tapo (you can install directly from hacs).

And I confirm that password with more than 8 characters works (I use it).


Hello! when I am putting the Tapo P100 Plug Control code in configuration.yaml I get an error that says
Incorrect type. Expected “array”. I am new to home assistant so I don’t know how to fix this. Thank you.

Uh-oh! Both @fishbigger and @pedro96’s lovely integrations appear to be lacking a manifest file, which became mandatory in 2021.06, and appears to now be enforced in 2021.06.01, which blocks them for it…

(Update: they weren’t picked up on a reboot, and are back functioning. Curious…)

Presumably, we can add one manually. Anyone know how…?

Will have a fiddle later and come back if successful…

The latest version of my plugin did have the version key but I have updated it to 1.0.0 so can you redownload and copy the code from here.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hoorah! Thanks for clarifying @fishbigger.

Thanks for info, but my integration already have a manifest file with version…do you have problems with it?

Thanks @pedro96. HA was warning it was missing on the first boot, but now I’ve had a chance to properly investigate, you’re quite right. With subsequent reboots, it’s working just fine.

Apologies for any confusion.

Hey there - just installed this and got it working first time! Thank you very much. A couple of questions, i’m an HA n00b and this is my first custom integration, so bear with…

The switch appears in my default home screen and is correctly grouped in the switches card.

It has adopted the name of a previous switch i had configured (from a different integration). How do i edit the name of the tapo switch? I also can’t see the tapo switch in the devices list in the UI, is this expected? If so, how do i create an automation using the tapo switch? thanks a lot!

Thanks to all for the great work already been done here!

Can anybody confirm if this also works with the TP Link L530 bulbs? I picked them up during the Amazon Prime Day, and now unable to get them connected. I tried the fishbigger version, but no luck.

Anybody any success?

Was able to get my L530 to work.

What I did: deleted the bulbs from the Tapo app; logged out of tapo app; cut the power to the bulbs.

Then I put 1 bulb back in, logged into the app, added the bulb, then used Pedro96’s integration to add it - and it showed up. Did the same for the second bulb, and it also works. I changed my password to 8 letters including 1 number even before that, but not sure if that made any difference. Won’t change it now though :smiley:

Now I can turn the lights on/off.

Colors are working as well!

How did you get color change to work ?
i menage to be able switching on and off my l530 bulb and change brightness but without color

For me, I can click on the 3 dots, and then change between color and temperature. But only when the lamp is actually turned on.

Temperature changes the white color in Kelvin. Color all the other colors.
Really didn’t do any special, once I had them in HA.

After upgrading HA to 2021.7 my tapo switches stopped working with error

homeassistant.requirements.RequirementsNotFound: Requirements for tapo not found: ['plugp100==2.1.6'].

I tried to remove and reinstall the integration but when I add it I get another error “Config flow could not be loaded”.

Any advise?


I can also confirm that my tapo integration installed from HACS, got broken and still is after installing latest 2021.7 yesterday.

Did you fix it?

No unfortunately not, will try again later when I get off work. Don’t know if it will require a new build from Developers.