[Custom Component] Tapo P100 Plug Control

Why i cannot get the sensors about consumed energy from this integration?

I anyone has any problems with setting up this integration I recommend updating the PyP100= library to the most recent version. In the custom_component /tapo_p100_control/manifest.json and change the version number for PyP100 to 0.1.2 (or higher if you reading this later on).

You can checkout the Library here for the version numbers and for any breaking changes:

Thanks for the integration. I have one problem . When checking the YAML configuration Platform error switch.tapo_p100_control - Integration 'tapo_p100_control' not found.

What I did:

  1. Copied tapo_p100_control to the custom_integration folder which is on my Pi4
  2. Checked the YAML configartion
  3. Got Platform error switch.tapo_p100_control - Integration 'tapo_p100_control' not found.

What can I do?

Between 1 and 2, you need first to restart HA, then you should add the settings to the yaml.

If there is still an issue, then you might be hitting a dependency issue and the dependency of the custom integration is not installed at all.

Otherwise, I would use HACS instead of manually copying stuff.

Hi. Can someone answer this question, please?
I also would like to update IP addresses. Where can I find it?

You find it here:


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Thanks for this! I first tried the custom integration by fishbigger, but i never got it working. This worked flawlessly out of the box for my P100 switches. Great work :slight_smile: