[Custom Component] Tapo P100 Plug Control

Sorry, but I can’t help you, cause tapo_p100_control is not my integration.This GitHub - petretiandrea/home-assistant-tapo-p100: A custom integration to control Tapo devices from home assistant. is mine

OK thanks I’ll take a look at that

Hi guys i am newbie with home assistant but its giving to me a “invalid authentication” when i am trying to put the host, username and the password and i already change the code on configuration.yaml to this
platform: tapo_p100_control
ip_address: 192.168.x.x
email: [email protected]
password: Password123”
Puttin the ip of p100 my personal email and a new password and i already restart the HA and nothing changed still having the same error.
Btw i downloaded from here “GitHub - petretiandrea/home-assistant-tapo-p100: A custom integration to control Tapo devices from home assistant.”.
Thanks for the help.

Just a short question: is it or will it be possible to add Tapo devices only from app without IP address in future?
Thank you in advance!

Hello, after 2022.07 HA update the Tapo integration doesn’t load anymore.

Unable to install package plugp100==2.1.14: error: subprocess-exited-with-error × python setup.py bdist_wheel did not run successfully.

Any advice?

A change in 2022.7.0 (to update the version of Python) has caused this to stop working. I believe @pedro96 is aware of this.

Not quite clear if there’s an effective manual solution to it yet, but the simple option right now is to revert to 2022.6.xx until the necessary changes are made.

(This is for @pedro96’s integration, only - I’m not aware whether @fishbigger’s integration is also affected.)

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Indeed, it seems I’m using tapo_p100_control and is the one of @pedro96. The other never worked for me.

Integration also not working after HA update. I’ll wait for a fix!

Same situation here, after the update tapo_p100 is not working.

@pedro96 we are waiting impatiently for the correction

Hi guys, I’m already working on it. Follow this issue https://github.com/petretiandrea/home-assistant-tapo-p100/issues/199. It’s a big issue cause doesn’t depend directly from my code, but depends on third part libraries which actually doesn’t support python 3.10 (used by latest home assistant version) and force your machine to compile libraries using gcc. But machine with HASSOS doesn’t have gcc. I’m trying to work to fix this by using a vendoring strategy of libraries, but this requires lot of work.


Hi guys a new version of integration is released! Try it :slight_smile:

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When searching for an issue and finding this ^ post 23 minutes old. Solved my problem, thanks!

New version release v1.2.14 which seems fixing a lot of issues :slight_smile:

I got an invalid config after upgrade to 2.1.14

Platform error switch.tapo - Requirements for tapo not found: ['plugp100==2.1.14'].
Platform error light.tapo - Requirements for tapo not found: ['plugp100==2.1.14'].

This is my HA version:

Home Assistant 2022.7.3
Supervisor 2022.07.0
Operating System 8.2
Frontend 20220707.0 - latest

Seems many dependencies missing as per the log:

Unable to install package plugp100==2.1.14: error: subprocess-exited-with-error × python setup.py bdist_wheel did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ╰─> [328 lines of output] Testing support for clang Target does not support clang Testing support for gcc Target does not support gcc Testing support for stdint.h header Target does not support stdint.h header Testing support for 128-bit integer Target does not support 128-bit integer Testing support for cpuid.h header Target does not support cpuid.h header Testing support for intrin.h header Target does not support intrin.h header Testing support for posix_memalign Target does not support posix_memalign Testing support for memalign Target does not support memalign ....

For me it’s working again. Thanks

Mine stopped too with the same error (after upgrading to 2022.8.4), a reinstall from HACS resolved things.

Hi, sorry I’m a newbie, may be this is really silly question but couldn’t find solution. I copied the tapo_p100_control into the custom_components folder. Then restarted the system and entered the codes. Then restart again.

There was no error. But I couldn’t find my devices on anywhere. On dashboard, click “add card” —>By Entity tab. There are no entities about my tapo 100’s

Please help me, thank you.

Have you tried going to Settings / Devices & Services, click ‘+ Add Integration’ button on bottom right corner, search for Tapo and add your devices from there with details as per above?


I managed to configure two P110 using the new GUI configuration process, but I noticed that it is no longer connecting to HASS after I changed the DHCP range for wireless devices on my network.

Screen Shot 2022-09-14 at 3.26.52 PM

I’m not quite sure what’s happening, but if I have to override any configuration for these two devices where would I find the files? I tried looking but I couldn’t find it.

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