[Custom Component] TP-Link Router Integration

Added Router data fetching Switch - you may disable router data fetching before accessing the router, so it wont logging your out. If you forget to enable it back - it would be automatically enable after 20 minutes

Hi, I tryed to connect my Archer AX58 but it doesnā€™t work.

Is it planned to add this switch to this integration ?

Thanks a lot

@littlwhite Would be great if you could add support for your router. Instructions are here TP-Link-Archer-C6U/CONTRIBUTING.md at 6fa9efcd25fdd75a6059d7fac5500a54b1d9edf0 Ā· AlexandrErohin/TP-Link-Archer-C6U Ā· GitHub

ouch ! it would be great but it seems hard to do this because iā€™m noob

iā€™m gonna change my router to a Deco X50. I think it will be better.

Thanks for your help

Is there a way to turn off a specific deviceā€™s Wi-Fi? I want to turn off my sonā€™s ipad if his chores are not done.

Trying without success on an Archer A10 v.1 with either the local password or the encrypted web password. I get this message:

TplinkRouter - C5400X - Cannot authorize! Error - Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0); Response - 500 Internal Server Error

500 Internal Server Error