Custom component using core brand icon?

I am maintaining a custom component to manage internet access profiles for devices connected to an AVM FRITZ!Box.

I would like to add the relevant FRITZ!-logos which are already part of the Brands repository and used by the fritz and fritzbox core integrations.

How can I re-use these icons?

I am aware that the mapping is done via the domain attribute in the manifest.json, however I cannot (should not) simply re-use one of the existing domains. What’s more, I don’t want to (and should not) simply re-upload the same images twice.

The relevant doc does not really help here, since the logos are actually already there.

You can not directly re-use the existing brand icons because symlinks are not allowed in custom_integrations dir.

You just copy the icons into the custom_integrations directory for your custom integration and submit a pullrequest.

The readme is (mostly) aimed at core integrations which can be a bit confusing.

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