If you followed those steps the correct path should be: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components/google_keep.py
that is the same place as you configuration.
You will need to create the dir custom_components if this is your first custom_component.
It also has to have the correct permissions (the user running homeassistant needs access to it)
I am actually trying to connect the same Google Keep component and I am wondering if you can be a bit more detailed in your response here.
I have my py file here /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/custom_)components (I’m using a Ubuntu Server to handle HASS)
But still it says unknown component. Can you give more detail on your solution?
Go to the directory where your configuration.yaml is.
Create a new directory called custom_components.
Move in to that new directory and create a new file called google_keep.py, copy the contents of the google_keep.py from the link at the top in to it. Save the file.
Restart homeassistant.
If it doesn’t work, I would suspect its the dependency problem above, but I don’t know how you would fix that on hassio.
Correct and I have done all that but the dependency issue is more what I was trying to find out about.
I have everything else lined up but the config check throws:
Error loading custom_components.google_keep. Make sure all dependencies are installed
i have it working on hassio after a lot of trial and error, also got that : Error loading custom_components.google_keep. Make sure all dependencies are installed
so what i did :
make sure the “google_keep.py” file is located TWICE in directoryes below, dont ask my why, just copy/paste it
so in your config folder a new diectory
then download the gkeep api
make sure its extracted as THIS FOLDER NAME , also in your config
so you have like example
\config\gkeepapi\setup.py and other files in there
then it shoudl work
but BTW? you dont need that google keep anymore, seems its coming back NATIVE in the verry near future:
Thanks! I usually just use a Note Card in Keep to make a shopping list so I can have others add to it once I share it to them. If there is another way to do this without keep I am up for the suggestions.
no idea, in google assistant, soon you can add not your own notes app, see here the list
but i stick to google keep, but not gonna use this custom component anymore, while it was working verry good though
i hope now with the native solution you can also say own what note you want to add your stuff, not just default one