Custom date range for Energy report

+1 for me also. :+1:

+1 for me too.

+1 mine from 17 to 17

+1 for me also. :+1:

Same, I would like to use year from 01-07-2022 till 30-06-2023 instead of 1-1 31-12

+1. This would be super useful, especially after this PG&E HACS integration was created.

+1 for this. It would be very useful!

+1 My contract goes from oktober to oktober.

+1 This would be very useful

With the repeated calls for a custom date picker, it raises the question that for arbitrary date ranges, what binning of the data should be done?

It’s pretty clear that

  • 1 day = 24 1-hour bins
  • 1 week = 7 1-day bins
  • 1 month = 30 1-day bins
  • 1 year = 12 1-month bins

But if I we had hypothetical custom date picker, and I pick Friday, January 13 through Tuesday, May 16, what bins do you get?

  • 124 days?
  • 18 Sunday to Saturday weeks, with a runt week at the start and end?
  • 18 Friday to Thursday weeks, with a runt week at the end?
  • 5 months (Jan, Feb, March, Apr, May), with incomplete data for Jan and May?
  • 5 months (Jan 13-Feb 12, Feb 13-Mar12, Mar13-Apr12, Apr13-May12, May 13-16), with a short month for may?
  • A single column for 2023?

Seems like more planning is needed than just adding a simple date picker.

IMHO it should be possible without any issues if the “resolution” (let’s call it this way for this post) which is displayed is not coupled with the date range anymore. This should be relatively easy to implement and would be quite user-friendly since it would allow you to define a range and furthermore tell HA in which resolution you want to display the results (hours, days, weeks aso.). This way you can guess a useful resolution based on the range but the users can change it to get the results they want.

Yes please! Long standing request…

1 Like

+1 This would be very useful

+1 for this feature

+1 for this feature. It was not in de 2023.4 version right?

+1 for this feature, it would adapt HA energy to real word metrics.

+1 for this feature, I need compare data from June 1 to June 1

+1 I want this.

Another +1

+1… come on, this should be easy.