Custom element doesn't exist after 2023.10 upgrade

I have build a custom javascript element, and it has been running fine for a few months. Now with 2023.10 it’s not showing, instead it shows a Custom element doesn’t exist error.

I have tried to install the content-card-example from the documents below, this has the same error. Looks like the location of the .js file is no longer correct? It’s in the www folder accessed through /local in a dashboard source (just like the example).

Custom Cards | Home Assistant Developer DocsCustom Cards documentation

Looked through the breaking changes, but can’t find anything. Any thoughts anyone, what did I miss?

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Same here! Hope somebody can shed some light on this

I just managed to get it to work again:

I had, following one of the examples:

import {LitElement, html, css} from “”;

but now changed it to:

import { LitElement, html, css } from “[email protected]/lit-element.js?module”;

and now my card is back again…

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That was totally it!
(had to retype the double quotes, cut and paste into vscode did something weird on them, got illegal character error)