Custom element doesn't exist on a specific device

A few days ago I bought this Chinese tablet. It had a good rating and seemed reasonable for it’s price. I instantly downloaded the HA app from the Play Store to see if it works. Turns out, it doesn’t. All of my custom cards give me an error saying the custom element doesn’t exist. The cards that do not use a custom element are fine though. I also tested the browser, same issue here.

All of my other devices have no problem loading the cards (tested on an iPhone, iPad, Galaxy S6 and PC). I really don’t know why it doesn’t work since my problem seems like a server-side (meaning my raspberry pi’s) problem, which it just simply can’t be.

Am I missing something? Is there some setting that has to be enabled on the tablet in order to render the cards? If any code is needed to solve this issue, I’ll gladly post it.

Some browsers don’t support certain features.
I’d guess what you are seeing is that the app is using features from the default browser to render certain elements.
You have two choices : -
Download (say) chrome (other browsers are available) to your device and make it the default browser.
Actually use the browser as your interface.

I have tried various HA apps but have eventually deleted them all, for a consistent user experience and look and feel

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