Custom Header

Nope, I thought that’s what you were after since you mentioned “dashboard views”, but now I understand what you’re looking for. No there is no slide out feature or anything like that with Custom Header, I’ll consider adding something like that though. Something else you could try in the mean time: make an input boolean that turns off/on kiosk_mode with a template and add that to every view.

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i was testing out options and clicked the toggle to hide the option button (the 3 dots in the upper right corner) and… now i can’t make lovelace changes? how do i reverse this?

As mentioned in the first post here on the forums, warning on the github readme, warning in the docs, important notes in the docs, warning in the editor, etc, etc… just add ?disable_ch to the end of your URL.

There is currently a bug preventing CH’s editor from showing up in the menu when CH is disabled, so if you’ve never used the “Raw Config Editor” you can find it by going to the 3 dots menu in the top right, click “configure ui”, then click the top right button again, and hit “raw config editor”. You can then find custom_header: in your config and remove options_hide: true.

i figured it would be something a little more complicated. luckily i have the automated backups setup frequently so i just reloaded a snap and got back up and running

Hi everyone, does anyone know how you can make a default dashboard for all mobile devices? I saw that through the HA interface you can do it but you have to do it “manually” on each device. Custom Header instead from what I know allows you to hide tabs for example based on the user agent, but I have not found anything for the choice of the dashboard. Has anyone managed it?

This is the answer I got from Thomas Loven:

I never tried it though.

CH doesn’t have a dashboard redirect feature yet, there is already a feature request for it on GitHub and I’ll be working on it when I get a chance.


great to know. Will manage this manually until CH will be able to do it :slight_smile:

hi, i solved this by editing the lovelace file in (/usr/share/hassio/homeassistant/.storage)

Not only is editing anything in .storage dangerous it is also unnecessary. I have already replied with the solution (I’m guessing you were replying to that post, but this is asked MANY times here and on github). CH has an easy way to disable itself and it is mentioned as the first warning everywhere CH is posted.

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hi, i need help. I installed Custom-Header and I don’t know what I touched and the top bar is completely gone, I just wanted to change it. If I uninstall it reappears but as soon as I install custom header it disappears again. Is there a way to go back to edit it?

I’m not sure if it’s something I’m doing wrong or a bug but…

If I try to use “hide_tabs:” by name conditionally based on the states of other entities and using a tab with two words in the name it doesn’t hide the tab.

To clarify:

this works perfectly and hides the “Garage” tab if the boolean is off:

  hide_tabs: >-
    {{ 'Alerts, ' if states.sensor.nws_alerts_are_active.state == "off" and states.input_boolean.show_nws_test_alerts_view.state == "off" else '' }}
    {{ 'Tank, ' if states.input_boolean.show_tank_view.state == "off" else '' }}
    {{ 'Garage, ' if states.input_boolean.show_garage_power_view.state == "off" else '' }}

But this doesn’t:

  hide_tabs: >-
    {{ 'Alerts, ' if states.sensor.nws_alerts_are_active.state == "off" and states.input_boolean.show_nws_test_alerts_view.state == "off" else '' }}
    {{ 'Tank, ' if states.input_boolean.show_tank_view.state == "off" else '' }}
    {{ 'Garage Power, ' if states.input_boolean.show_garage_power_view.state == "off" else '' }}

On v113.1 of HA and v1.6.7 of CH.

Hi everyone,
this might sound like a rookie question but I am having issues with Custom Header and I have been scratching my head and can’t figure it out. So apologize it might be a stupid one but I hope you will tell me what I am doing wrong.
To put a bit of background, running the last version of HACS, Custom Header and HASS. All fine up to here.
I then wanted to add a dual gauge card for my solar production as I have two inverters and it seems the only way to do it is to switch to yaml mode.
So I set the yaml option in my configuration.yaml, created the ui-lovelace.yaml file and copied the raw config inside and rebooted and that’s where the issues started.
In “non yaml mode”, where I can edit the UI from the top right corner, I have set the header to be compact mode.
After a reboot, no matter what I set as option, they never apply. Set the switch to hide the help but it doesn’t get removed. However I am able to create my dual gauge card.
Here is a part of my config files in case something would jump out from it. Tried all I could but I don’t get it.
One more silly question while I am at it :slight_smile: Do you have to put the ressources url & type in both config files or just in the ui-lovelace one ? Don’t know where I have been reading this, but lovelace now is built in in HASS. Do you still have to switch to yaml mode ?


# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

 mode: yaml

  - url: /community/custom-header/custom-header.js
    type: module      
  - url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-roomba-vacuum-card/roomba-vacuum-card.js
    type: module       
  - url: /hacsfiles/dual-gauge-card/dual-gauge-card.js
    type: module
  - url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js
    Type: module
  themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

  packages: !include_dir_named packages


#  !include lovelace/resources/resources.yaml
  - url: /community/custom-header/custom-header.js
    type: module      
  - url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-roomba-vacuum-card/roomba-vacuum-card.js
    type: js       
  - url: /hacsfiles/dual-gauge-card/dual-gauge-card.js
    type: js
  - url: /hacsfiles/lovelace-card-mod/card-mod.js
    Type: js
   compact_mode: true
   hide_help: true

  - badges: []
      - entity:
        type: weather-forecast
      - entities

Thanks :wink:


@finity could be a bug, looking into it soon.

@seb1410 If you’re using storage mode ( “non yaml mode” ) the ui-lovelace.yaml file is no longer used and Lovelace resources are edited by going to the sidebar and navigating to Configuration > Lovelace Dashboards > Resources.

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@mayker, Thanks just figured that out :slight_smile: Reverted back to storage mode (thanks for the term) and now using the Raw Editor or shoudl I say fighting with the editor in structuring the text. I am Mr Bad indentation for the moment.

Sorry if this has been answered before, I have tried to search without any luck. I am using custom header to hide the menu and tabs etc for a certain dashboard that I use on a “read only” pad to display some info. This obviously removes the option to refresh when I change the layout of that dashboard.
I know I can just use “disable_ch” in the browser, but is there something similar to do when using the android app?
Or is there some way to click a link to force a refresh (basically do just what the “refresh” menu entry does) - that also works when using the app?

Take a look at the lovelace_reload service in browser_mod.

Yeah. I saw that. It just look like an overly complex solution to a pretty trivial thing. Fortunately most of the time, the little “the front end has changed, click here to reload” popup shows up. But not always, for some reason.

I am trying to uninstall Custom Header as I am trying to debug my system.

I have tried
Nothing Happens…?