Custom Header

I have the same issue even after re-installing custom-header, clearing browser cache, and restarting hass.

Get this error in my home-assistant.log:

Tried to serve up '/config/www/community/custom-header/' but it does not exist
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@dooz127 how did you install custom-header? If you go to that path in your files, does the file exist?

I’m using 1.0.4 and I’m not seeing anything in the console
I get the same error from HACS as @dooz127 in the logs, but only when the console is open. I think this may just be Chrome trying to download the file for script debugging.

Here is my config:

  compact_mode: true
    - conditions:
        query_string: embed
        default_tab: []
        hide_tabs: '9'
        kiosk_mode: true
        menu: show
        notifications: show
        options: show
        show_tabs: []
        voice: show
    - conditions:
        user_agent: Mobile
        compact_mode: true
        default_tab: []
        hide_tabs: 'Kiosk,Calendar,media-players,Github,Test'
        menu: show
        notifications: show
        options: show
        redirect: true
        show_tabs: []
        voice: show
    - conditions:
        query_string: testmode
        hide_tabs: 'Kiosk,Calendar'
        menu: show
        notifications: show
        options: show
        show_tabs: []
        voice: show
  hide_help: true
  hide_tabs: 'Kiosk,Calendar,Test'
  redirect: false

but it also happens with a minimal config like this:

  compact_mode: true

reported on something similar today:

the top error is gone (had to take out the actual file out of the folder) but the bottom one is still there. (thesis on Safari, hence maybe the different error language.

I did a manual install, and no the path does not exist. That is to say, up to the /lovelace/resources the pathos correct, the / is unknown to me

I installed using hacs. No, that file does not exist, only these:


The Developer Tools Logs UI also says:

10:27 AM custom_components/hacs/ (ERROR) - message first occurred at 10:16 AM and shows up 3 times

I tried re-installing hacs, clearing cache, and restarting hass, but same thing.

@dooz127 @Mariusthvdb @Steven_Rollason

Give the latest (v1.0.5) a try. It looks like when adding translations to the editor & commonjs, commonjs added some unneeded sourceMappings. Still not sure why that would be the case as it seems to be behaving now.

I know that’s a bunch of tech jargon, but try the latest release.

I moved over from cch to this and now I don’t get the custom header pulldown and my header is there as well as a footer. Tried clearing out settings in raw config and it didn’t make a difference.

and your config is…:?

Do you still have CCH in your resources? Updated to the latest custom-header (v1.0.5)?

no I yanked that, do I need that still?

No, but you should provide us with more information. Like what your config looks like and maybe a screenshot of what you’re seeing.

My config image

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yes! that helped a lot, most errors gone!

even these I posted in decluttering thread Lovelace: Decluttering Card

all vanished… I am pleased but baffled…

probably unrelated: bottom overflow is still there:


Any errors showing in HA or your browsers dev console (F12)? Would be interested if it says “compact custom header” in your dev console as well.

With no custom_header config and your header still being “compact”, it sounds like CCH is still loading. Which would mean a cache issue.

Might also want to check out the issues section of the docs

had something similar, after restarts and cleaning cache multiple times, I still got the posted error. Even after having deleted CCH from the resources list. I had to take out the CCH files out of the resources folder to have the issue disappear.

Just moved from CCH too… dont see the menu like @Michael_Grossman mentioned…




From the issues section on the first post of this thread, the github readme, and issues section of the docs: Please read this before posting issues so that I can get the information I need to help you. It’s preferred that issues are posted on GitHub, but if you do not, please at least give me the minimum amount of info I need.

The issue of the missing “custom header” option has been addressed (maybe not fixed) in a recent update. No one with this issue has informed me of what version they are using.

I’m using the latest, tried rolling it back to an older version and that did not help.

I couldn’t use built-in-variables.

What am I missing here?

    options: >-
      {{ hours12 }}:{{ minutesLZ }} {{ ampm }} - <ha-icon icon='mdi:weather-{{ }}'></ha-icon> {{ }}°
  hide_help: true
  voice_hide: true
    0: red
    home: 'rgb(214, 122, 127)'
    6: '#fafafa'
    - template:
          - icon: >
              if ((entity["device_tracker.life360_phone1"].state == "home") && (entity["device_tracker.life360_phone2"].state != "home")) "mdi:account-tie";
              else if ((entity["device_tracker.life360_phone2"].state == "home") && (entity["device_tracker.life360_phone1"].state != "home")) "mdi:account-star";
              else if ((entity["device_tracker.life360_phone2"].state == "home") && (entity["device_tracker.life360_phone1"].state == "home")) "mdi:account-group-outline";
              else "mdi:car";
    - conditions:
        user_agent: Android
        disable_sidebar: false
        compact_mode: true
        show_tabs: '0,1,4,6'
        footer_mode: true
        # options_hide: true
        menu_dropdown: true
            # options: '{{ hours12 }}:{{ minutesLZ }}'
            options: >-
              {{ hours12 }}:{{ minutesLZ }} {{ ampm }} - <ha-icon icon='mdi:weather-{{
     }}'></ha-icon> {{